孩子的未來在於你 . 天地間,最無私的莫…


#親子教育、#頌津、#頌翰、#慈悲的引導、#快樂成長、#孩子的未來在於你rnrnYour child’s future lies in your hands

A parent’s love for their children is selfless and pure. The amount of effort and devotion a parent spends on the child is immeasurable. How can we nurture our children so that they can grow up healthily and happily? What can we as parents do so that our children will grow up to be productive members of the society and make positive contributions in future? This is a topic that all parents are most concerned about. Today, I will share a real life story of a family from Singapore for your reference.

【Our son no longer hides from us】

I have two sons. In recent years, due to my busy work schedule, I spent very little time with them. Additionally, doing all sorts of household chores regularly has made me very impatient and anxious and I often vent my frustrations on my children. My husband is especially strict with their studies as well. As a result, our children are very afraid of us.

There was once where my husband returned home late from work. Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, my younger son ran from the living room into the bedroom immediately and used his blanket to cover his body, pretending that he had fallen asleep. At that moment, I felt very alienated from my children. This distance between parent and child gave my husband and I a headache and we were at a loss of what to do.

My husband and I registered for many parenting workshops to learn techniques to help us better bring up our children. However, they were not effective and did little to bridge the distance between us and our children. Our sons continued to score poorly in their exams and often fought with each other, snatching things violently. My husband and I were perplexed over their behavior.

Fortunately, a chance encounter allowed us to hear a lesson taught by Grandmaster JinBodhi titled “Your child’s future lies in your hands”. We were deeply touched by his sharing and decided to change the way we treat our children. We began to pay attention to the manner in which we communicated with our children and used more caring and encouraging words with them. Gradually, we stopped using negative language such as blaming and sincerely apologized for our erroneous behavior in the past. In addition, in front of their faces, we threw away the cane that we used to punish them with. When they saw this, our children were so delighted that they hugged and kissed me. At that moment, my heart was filled with warmth and happiness.

During this period, my husband and I adopted an attitude where we deeply cherished our time spent with our children. We learnt to see things from our children’s perspective and were not bothered by their test results. What mattered most to us was whether they grew up happily and contented.

Even though we spent only 20 minutes coaching our younger son in his studies, he would score 6 or 7 points out of 10, a huge improvement compared to his past results. Once, he even scored full marks!

We also noticed positive changes in our children’s behavior towards us. They no longer hide when we returned home but would rush towards us and happily embraced us. The atmosphere in the family has became more loving and warm.

My husband and I are extremely grateful to Master Jin Bodhi and his wise teachings. By emphasizing on using compassion to bring up our children, our family has become closer, happier and more loving towards each other. Watching our children grow up happily and healthily is our greatest joy and blessing!

(Note: The effect of meditation varies from person to person.)
* Bodhi meditation does not advocate the stopping of medication. Please follow your doctor’s medical advise.

#ParentChildEducation, #Songjin, #Songhan, #HappyGrowth, #YourChildFutureLiesInYourHands


在〈孩子的未來在於你 . 天地間,最無私的莫…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 感恩师父开示,父母是孩子的第一任老师,更是孩子的一面镜子,父母的言传身教非常的重要,想让孩子成为什么样的人,父母必须要身体力行的做好才行。

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!感恩金菩提禪師的智慧,使这家夫妻學會了慈悲的引導,為家帶來了溫馨、和數不盡的歡樂,兩個兒子健康快樂地成長,好幸福!祝福这幸福的一家!恭敬顶礼叩拜感恩师父???♥️♥️♥️???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福师姐一家幸福吉祥!父母在孩子身上付出的爱是无法衡量的!师父对大家的爱也是这样的,深深感动着!昨天八点就睡了,感觉到妈妈,梦到了爸爸,很开心。早上发现错过了师父的直播,而且是最喜欢的吃。看来得好好忏悔。希望每个家庭每个孩子都能幸福。感恩您最尊贵的上师!师父也要开心呐。

  4. 师父,您好!去年大儿子刚从大学毕业回来,气到我象锅中之蚁,我又去禅堂供灯,又去白莲禅堂供灯,总之一言难尽。不知道是我错还是他错,后来经过听师父的几次开示后,觉得自己是最大的错,现在我改变了,孩子也改变对我的态度了,也变不反叛了。感恩师父!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!恭喜师兄师姐!孩子的未来在与你!我们己身深教孩子,柔软关爱!教育孩子难死父母了!感恩师父!?叩拜

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!我正为此事头疼。果然我的教育有问题,只是一味地谴责很少鼓励孩子,所以他没动力,再就是太在意孩子的分数,没有调动孩子的积极性。爱的方式有错误!用真心去爱,而不是在意一个会考试的”机器儿子”。顶礼师父!

  7. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!孩子的未来是在与父母、孩子的第一任老师就是父母、父母是一面镜子、父母的言传身教特别重要、想让自己的孩子成为什么样人、父母必须以身作则、把事情做好、慈悲一心向善!这样孩子长大才能成才、感恩大慈大悲师父!!!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲爱洒人间,让多少儿童获得“幸福的童年”,也让多少家庭重获“幸福的家庭”。“孩子的未来在于你”,多么慈悲智慧的教化,“望子成龙”在于“孩子想成龙”,关健让爱来感化孩子懂事。恭喜同修的学习禅修,得师父教化,“家庭的氛圍變得溫暖而溫馨”。也明白自己孩子原来的不懂事,自己是一切的根源。也懂得了唯有不断地施予爱,才是让孩子走上正轨完美的唯一办法。感恩师父教化!??????

  9. 感恩师父分享并给予教导,教育孩子是所有父母都必须要学习的功课,也是最复杂的一门功课,有些问题带有普遍性,如现在孩子玩游戏,如青春期孩子的叛逆等,有些则带着自己家庭的特殊性!但所有问题的关键是对孩子要慈悲引导,多些鼓励少些批评!我之前这方面做得特别差,现在就有意识的在他做得好的方面表扬他,会特意把他好的表现告诉爸爸,告诉姥姥,并有意让孩子听到,哈哈,我知道儿子也是开心的!家长的努力和改变才更重要,所以,我还得继续加油!

  10. 感恩叩拜师父,我女儿从青领班回来就大变样了,爱学习了由以前的末等生变成全年段第一,感恩师父办的青领班,给孩子们改变了命运,让孩子们健康快乐的成长,变得越来越好,可以说回禅堂一次就改变了一生,感恩师父,感恩青领班的老师们
