自在长寿佛! 愿你健康长寿!法喜自在! …

Freedom and Longevity Buddha
Wishing you health, longevity and blissful happiness!rnrn自在长寿佛!
Freedom and Longevity Buddha
Wishing you health, longevity and blissful happiness!


在〈自在长寿佛! 愿你健康长寿!法喜自在! …〉中有 51 則留言

  1. 감사합니다
    스승님 ~~~((()))
    몸과 마음이 광명하고 건강해져서 ~~~
    모든 원을 이루겠습니다
    대자대비 진푸티상사님
    홍법순리 ~~~ 길상여의하세요

  2. 收到,感恩师父慈悲的祝福,感恩师父佛菩萨每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,祝师父每天开心快乐,法体安康,弘法顺利,青春永驻,吉祥如意!

  3. 師父晚上好,弟子金修闊收到了師父的祝願和加持護佑,“健康長壽,法喜自在”,又見到了这尊健康自在長壽佛,更法喜充满,我也祝師父法体安康,壽比南山,法輪常轉,弘法順利,普渡更多有缘眾生 !

  4. 收到师父的祝福!愿一切有缘人都得到这份吉祥大加持:健康长寿,法喜自在!顶礼南无自在长寿佛!顶礼南无金菩提上师!???

  5. 收到感恩師父???祝師父法體安康!法輪常轉!弘法顺利!恆久住世!吉祥如意!普渡眾生都立苦得樂!理測永遠愛師父!師父時時刻刻都在關心我們!好幸福

  6. 感恩收到师父的祝福。感恩师父分享自在长寿佛!感恩师父对我们的慈悲呵护与加持。顶礼大慈大悲法力无边的师父!也祝福师父,健康长寿,法喜自在!吉祥圆满!

  7. 感恩师付慈悲美好的祝福!收到了。这尊庄严自在的长寿佛和师付的慈悲心愿护佑下,会时时刻刻漵励着我们更加发奋精進!感恩叩拜?!

  8. 收到!感恩师父的祝福!自在长寿佛!?感恩师父对我我们的慈悲呵护与加持!也㊗️师父法体安康!永久驻世!吉祥如意!第子顶礼叩拜!????

  9. 师父早上好!收到师父的祝福!愿一切有缘人都得到这份吉祥大加持,健康长寿,法喜自在!顶礼南无自在长寿佛!顶礼南无金菩提上师!感恩敬爱的恩师!

  10. 師父早上好!收到师父的祝福!愿一切有缘人都得到这份吉祥大加持:健康长寿,法喜自在!顶礼南无自在长寿佛!顶礼南无金菩提上师!???

  11. I wish that my sons Jolan and Jomar will achieve their goals and dreams as well as my daughter Kathlyn..Give us good health and more blessings.. Buddha bless us..Amen.

  12. Master give us good health especially my son who was vaccinated by dengvaxia, let my son who applied in abroad be hired guide my daughter in taiwan, my daughter who work in sto tomas and my son who work in lipa, my husband in his work guide all of us and let me free from my debts . thank you….

  13. Boy let me tell you I love that Buddha I’ve been trying to get my daughter to give me hers but she won’t even offer to buy it but she won’t where can I find one just like the one that you are showing now can you please let me know thank you and have a blessed day

  14. Beautiful and amazing and God bless you you all. Enjoy. And thank you so much for all that love.thats amazing. And wish us all the best wishes and dreams love and prayers for peace to all my family and friends all around the world with kindness and care for all and all
    Good morning and God bless.

  15. May I wish a good health may family,and no more to happens. And I wish may son Jaylord good health. And good study.there’s a dreams as well us.may daughter ..marjelyn and Maricon.and may granddaughter. Give us a good health and more mlmore blessing….Buddha hope give me us a blessing… Amen

  16. Waheguru jioji…please thanks for all this where we are….aap hum sub ke saath hei uor aap sub kadiyan rakhbye wale hu….teh dil se shukaria…aghye vi aap ku sub kuj pata hei ju aap ke bachu ku chahiya jioji…all the best..
