《實錄》觀音靈感記_之三 . . 千百年…

一天, 我又找了幾個好朋友去釣魚,這天似乎成果不錯,很快地釣鉤就被沉沉的東西給拖住,我使盡力氣還是扯不上來,一瞧竟是條近百磅的大魚,我太興奮了,馬上吆喝三五好友一起將大魚扯上岸,大魚上來後,我用手去脫魚顎骨上的鉤子,沒想到一個恍神,在魚鉤脫出的同時,竟也插進我的手骨裡,疼得我哇哇大叫。
Guanyin inspiration true story – Part 3
Through the ages, whenever animals or human beings meet obstacles and setbacks, they would immediately think of their 「mothers」 and cry out to them. This is because mothers love and protect their children wholeheartedly for their entire lives. Guanyin Bodhisattva is just like our mother, she accompanies and takes care of us throughout our entire lives. A disciple sent me his real life encounter which I would like to share with all.
Chanting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva inspiration true story
Dear master, I am a person who loves fishing. My name is Jianchan (a pseudonym). Fishing has been my vacation leisure activity.
One day, I went fishing with a few friends. We managed to get quite a good catch and very soon, I felt something heavy pulling at my fishing rod. Though I attempted to pull up the fishing rod using all my strength, I failed. Catching a glimpse, I was very excited to see a 100 pounds fish at the end of my fishing rod. I was so excited and asked all my friends over to help haul the big fish to shore. When I was removing the fish hook from the jawbone of the fish, my hand was pricked accidentally. It was so painful that I could only cry out in pain.
Since the hook was stuck in my finger bone very deeply, I could not remove it entirely and could only cut off the fishing threads using scissors. However the moment someone touched the affected area accidentally, the pain felt overwhelmingly bad. My fingers started to turn green and then black and I became very dizzy. I began to fear that I may become physically disabled if not treated on time.
As the nearest hospital was a few hundred kilometers away and we came by foot, my friends and I were at a loss. One young girl who happened to join us for this fishing expedition suddenly blurted : “My granny chants the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva daily. She says Guanyin Bodhisattva will bless our family. Why don’t we seek Guanyin Bodhisattva’s help?”
As calling for external help required some waiting time and I was suffering from intense pain, everyone started to chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva for me. After a few minutes, my hand no longer felt so painful, the swelling subsided and my head no longer spun. Apparently the side effects of the infection were under control for the moment.
When my friend came to pick us up eventually, we headed straight to the hospital for the surgery. During the process, I seemed to see Guanyin Bodhisattva appearing before me. Soon, the doctor successfully removed the fishhook from my finger and fortunately, I got to keep my finger. The doctor told me that if the symptoms of blackening of my finger had not been reduced, it would have been dangerous and I could have lost my finger. Revelation struck me. Chanting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva was miraculously efficacious.
I was only pricked by a fishhook and this brought me unbearable pain. It was so bad that I could not control my tears. The moment someone accidentally touched the wounded area, I would lose all senses and started screaming. What about the poor fishes? Not only were their mouths hooked, they were pulled up by their wounded area. There were no grudges between the fishes and me. All they wanted was to live their lives; similarly, they would also experience pain.
After this incident, I repented over my fishing habits.
Since then, I made a vow never to fish again. To reinforce my intention, I threw away my fishing tackle.
Though this is just a simple story, it helps to redress the fishes’ grievances and is perhaps the only form of repentance I can make.
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#GuanyinBodhisattva, #InsprationalTrueStory, #Mothers, #GreatMercyAndCompassion, #CareAndProtect, #Kind, #ConserveLives #Kind, #ConserveLives、#觀音菩薩、#靈感實錄、#母親、#大慈大悲、#呵護照顧、#善良、#護生


在〈《實錄》觀音靈感記_之三 . . 千百年…〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 师父师母早上好,吉祥如意,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 是不应该钓鱼啊,鱼儿真的很痛的。生活中也见到因为钓鱼得到不好的结果的人和事,可很多人不醒悟,还把钓鱼当做一种养情怡性的活动,真是愚痴。我老公几次都说他要去钓鱼,我听着好烦。祈请大慈大悲的恩师和观世音菩萨加持护佑,让他不要去钓鱼。快要到春节了,也祈请大慈大悲的佛菩萨护佑众生,愿人们慈悲善念!愿所有生灵吉祥平安!

  3. 感恩师父分享动人的故事,大慈大悲观世音菩萨闻声救苦,消灾免难,不过我们也要慈悲为怀,不伤生,不造恶业,爱护众生啊!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!观视音菩萨是众生的母亲!有求必应!是啊!生命是同等的!我们何时换位思考与感受过⋯忏悔啊!太受启发了!祈愿人人爱护万物!?叩拜

  5. 感恩師父!

  6. 感恩師父分享這故事,要以慈悲心愛护一切生命,弟子腦海里的觀世音菩萨,是有求必应,觀世音菩萨的大慈大悲护佑着众生,就如母亲愛护我们一样,感恩南無大慈大悲觀世音菩萨,感恩顶礼師父。

  7. 师父新年好!感恩师父慈悲分享与教化!好感人的故事,真为师兄感到由衷地高兴与庆幸 ,一次血的教训终于改掉了钓鱼的习惯,愿所有沉迷于钓鱼的人们都能引以为戒,都能放鱼儿一条生路,都能遇难成祥!吉祥如意!祝福一切众生新年快乐!平安吉祥!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享!师父说过众生平等!付出什么得到什么,因果循环。只要诚心改过佛菩萨都会帮助你。不怕你做错事,就怕你不承认自己做错了。苦海无涯回头是岸!恭喜这位师兄,肯回头放弃了把自己的快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的事情。

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享这个钓鱼的故事!告诉大家不要杀生伤害,让你亲身感受,将心比心。观世音菩萨”母亲般的关爱我们,我们还去做着伤害的事情,我们能忍心吗?、肯定的说”不能!”不仅不能,也要像观世音菩萨一样去爱众生邦助众生拨解决困难、拨一切苦!学习恩师把一切众生放在”心上”!我们是师父的亲傳弟子,要跟师父去关爰和邦助一切众生,让我们恩师有一点点时间那怕是休息片刻也好,师父太辛苦了丶太累了!

  10. 这样的例子很多,万物皆灵,我有一位自亲,为陪人钩鱼,一次鱼杆被拉走了,又一次提鱼杆时,鱼杆断了,还好觉悟了,放手不在钩鱼了。真是自然界变是一真法界,一切众生平等。

  11. 师父师母早上好,吉祥如意,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  12. 感恩师父!感恩观世音菩萨在我整个人生一路的照看眷顾!特别的跟随师父后,这种感觉特别明显。如此时看到观音像也会流泪。但跟心的意念去走,祈求观音菩萨给我力量,让能“心安则吾家”,心安处,慧起时,只求得心安快乐,人生自在幸福即可。感恩顶礼师父!??????

  13. 感恩师父慈悲分享!师父说过众生平等!付出什么得到什么,因果循环。只要诚心改过佛菩萨都会帮助你。不怕你做错事,就怕你不承认自己做错了。苦海无涯回头是岸!恭喜这位师兄,肯回头放弃了把自己的快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的事情。

  14. 感恩师父的开示,感恩大慈大悲观世音菩萨在我人生的旅途上的护佑,化解了我生命中无数次的灾难。有幸在此生能遇到师父,教导我如何以慈悲心对待周遭的一切生命。感恩师父!

  15. 南無大慈大悲救苦救難廣大靈感觀世音菩薩摩訶薩
    南無阿彌陀佛 …… ???

  16. 感恩师父!感恩观世音菩萨在我整个人生一路的照看眷顾!特别的跟随师父后,这种感觉特别明显。如此时看到观音像也会流泪。但跟心的意念去走,祈求观音菩萨给我力量,让能“心安则吾家”,心安处,慧起时,只求得心安快乐,人生自在幸福即可。感恩顶礼师父!??????
