?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ?
大家期待已久的「八卦英雄獎,獎落誰家?」今天終於揭曉答案啦!! ???
1⃣ 請得獎者與您的「所屬禪堂」聯繫,並出示此篇公告領獎,獎品將會統一寄到您的所屬禪堂。(未出示此篇公告領獎者,需出示臉書帳號,證明為投稿得獎者。)
3⃣未完成授權者,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。
? ? ?「八卦英雄帖」得獎名單如下: ? ? ?
馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_千人八卦
馬來西亞_龍泉禪堂 (68則投稿)
馬來西亞_妙法禪堂 (65則投稿)
北美 加拿大_多倫多禪堂 (37則投稿)
1.馬來西亞 妙法禪堂_美佳樂八卦點
2. 紐約 菩提八卦日_自由女神
3.馬來西亞 胖熊帶您走八卦
4.馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_加埔八卦點
5.紐約 曬八卦點_堅持走八卦
6.台灣 嘉義_興嘉公園八卦_81歲倉瞻師兄
7.香港 觀塘健身中心_七天八卦內功活動
8.韓國 安山禪堂_小朋友也來共修了
10.台灣 台中 念醒_走八卦的奇遇
11.美國 白蓮禪堂_歡樂八卦
12.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦家庭聚會
13.美國 灣區_Fremont伊麗莎白湖八卦點
14.台灣 台南隆生禪堂_八卦戶外弘法
15.美國 白蓮禪堂_海邊一日遊
16.馬來西亞 淡邊八卦點_400多位師兄姐們一起走八卦和享用早餐
17.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦點
18.台灣 臺北禪堂_世杰_期待與師父一起走八卦
19.澳大利亞 冬季八卦
21.馬來西亞 檳城_發林八卦點_150多人走八卦
22.馬來西亞 曹榮安(瑉湛)的故事_踏上攝影新旅程
23.馬來西亞 芙蓉禪堂_我和八卦內功的不解之緣
24.馬來西亞 寶靈禪堂_越南船上八卦
25.紐約 富茶 Kristen_收穫自信人生
26.紐約 金持徹_不負自己不負卿
27.印尼 曬八卦點_2016年的八卦豐收
28.韓國 青年八卦
29.溫哥華 加拿大禪堂_『八卦內功』班
30.緬甸 文化瘋八卦
? Winners of the [Energy Bagua Hero Award]
The results are finally out!
Who are the winners of the Energy Bagua Hero award? The long awaited results are finally out today!!
I truly appreciate the overwhelming response and enthusiasm in the participation of the “Energy Bagua heroes activities”. Submissions have poured in from all over the world, with practitioners sharing their fascinating stories ranging wide in content and variety. It turns out, behind every Bagua story, that there are touching and warm moments which we would not have witnessed if not for this activity. Your hard work will also be reflected in your health and touching moments you experienced. I truly believe that your perspiration under the hot sun will bring sparkle and move people. Thank you everyone for putting effort towards your health and for your love ones. May the blessings of Bodhisattva be omnipresent. I praise and cheer for you. With this, the Energy Bagua contribution activity has come to an end. Congratulations for all outstanding works. Thank you for all your participation and efforts which already made you winners in my heart.
As an encouragement to all participants, I have added a few additional special awards to the original top three prizes. “Energy Bagua hero special awards” list has 30 winners. I hope this will serve as an inspiration to our practitioners. I hope everyone will do their best to become winners of their own lives and be the healthiest and happiest people.
Notes to all who won a prize:
1. Please contact your Meditation Center and show this post to collect your prize. Your prize will be sent to your Meditation Center. You need to show your Facebook account as proof.
2. You need to complete personal release authorization in writing to give consent to the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs to be accompanied with proof of written authorization through text messages screenshots or authorization in writing.
3. Work submitted with incomplete authorization in writing will not be shared or shown on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page even if it has won a prize. If there are any queries on copyright issues, feel free to contact the teachers from your Meditation Center to inquire.
“Energy Bagua hero posts” winners are as follows:
Winners from the Individual category (Top 3)
Congratulation for winning a blessed bracelet each.
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center -Thousand people Energy Bagua
2nd prize
Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)
3rd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)
【Top 3 Meditation Center with the most submissions】
Congratulation for winning a blessed vase each
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center (68 submissions)
2nd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (65 submissions)
3rd prize
Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center (37 submissions)
(Top 5 Meditation Center with the most submissions :1.Dragon Spring 68, 2. Fine Dharma 65, 3.Toronto 37, 4.New York 29, 5. Kepong 15)
【Special Awards】— 30 winners—
Congratulations for receiving a mystery gift each
《Magnificent Grandeur》
1. Malaysia, Fine Dharma- Megah Ria Energy Bagua
2. New York – Mrs. Liberty
3. Malaysia – Energy Bagua with the bear
《Never Give Up》
4. Malaysia, Dragon Spring – Kapar Energy Bagua
5. New York – Bensonhurst Park – persevere in the practice
6. Taiwan Chiayi – 81 year old Cangzhan
7. HK, Kwun Tong- 7 days Energy Bagua activity
《Best Energy Bagua child and youth award》
8. Korea, Ansan -children join in the practice
9. Canada, Toronto – Awakening Wisdom class sharing
10. Taiwan, Taichung – Awake to the happy encounters of Energy Bagua
11.USA, Bailian – Merriment Energy Bagua
《Harmonious Award》
12. Malaysia, Kepong – Bagua Family Day
13.USA, Bay Area _Fremont
14. Taiwan, Tainan – Outdoor Energy Bagua Teaching
15. USA, Bailian – A day at the beach
16. Malaysia, Tampin – 400 over enjoying Energy Bagua and breakfast
《The thousand graces of Bagua》
17. Malaysia , Kapong – Energy Bagua
18. Taiwan , Taipei – Shijie – looking forward to practice Energy Bagua with her dad
19. Australia – Winter Energy Bagua
《Encouraging prize 》
20. USA San Francisco & Bailian joint production – introduction to various practice Centers at the Bay Area.
21. Malaysia , Penang- 150+ people practicing Energy Bagua
22. Malaysia- story of Rong-an Cao stepping into a journey on photography
23. Malaysia, Seremban – My affinity with Energy Bagua
24. Malaysia , Baoling – Energy Bagua on a Vietnamese Boat
25. New York, Kristen- reap a life of confidence
26. New York, Chiche Jin
27. Indonesia – rewards from year 2016 Energy Bagua
28. Korea – Youth Energy Bagua
29. Canada, Vancouver – Energy Bagua Class
30. Myanmer – Rich culture Energy Bagua
Congratulations to all the lucky winners! If you do not see your favorite work here, you are welcome to recommend them to me. As delivery of prizes may take some time, please be patient while waiting for notice.
Finally, wishing everyone wins the biggest prize: biggest blessing, always stay healthy and happy!
#EnergBaguaHero Posts, #ListO f Winners, #Winners, #EnergyBaguaPracticeSite, #Healthy, #Happy #Longevityrnrn?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ?
大家期待已久的「八卦英雄獎,獎落誰家?」今天終於揭曉答案啦!! ???
1⃣ 請得獎者與您的「所屬禪堂」聯繫,並出示此篇公告領獎,獎品將會統一寄到您的所屬禪堂。(未出示此篇公告領獎者,需出示臉書帳號,證明為投稿得獎者。)
3⃣未完成授權者,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。
? ? ?「八卦英雄帖」得獎名單如下: ? ? ?
馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_千人八卦
馬來西亞_龍泉禪堂 (68則投稿)
馬來西亞_妙法禪堂 (65則投稿)
北美 加拿大_多倫多禪堂 (37則投稿)
1.馬來西亞 妙法禪堂_美佳樂八卦點
2. 紐約 菩提八卦日_自由女神
3.馬來西亞 胖熊帶您走八卦
4.馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_加埔八卦點
5.紐約 曬八卦點_堅持走八卦
6.台灣 嘉義_興嘉公園八卦_81歲倉瞻師兄
7.香港 觀塘健身中心_七天八卦內功活動
8.韓國 安山禪堂_小朋友也來共修了
10.台灣 台中 念醒_走八卦的奇遇
11.美國 白蓮禪堂_歡樂八卦
12.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦家庭聚會
13.美國 灣區_Fremont伊麗莎白湖八卦點
14.台灣 台南隆生禪堂_八卦戶外弘法
15.美國 白蓮禪堂_海邊一日遊
16.馬來西亞 淡邊八卦點_400多位師兄姐們一起走八卦和享用早餐
17.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦點
18.台灣 臺北禪堂_世杰_期待與師父一起走八卦
19.澳大利亞 冬季八卦
21.馬來西亞 檳城_發林八卦點_150多人走八卦
22.馬來西亞 曹榮安(瑉湛)的故事_踏上攝影新旅程
23.馬來西亞 芙蓉禪堂_我和八卦內功的不解之緣
24.馬來西亞 寶靈禪堂_越南船上八卦
25.紐約 富茶 Kristen_收穫自信人生
26.紐約 金持徹_不負自己不負卿
27.印尼 曬八卦點_2016年的八卦豐收
28.韓國 青年八卦
29.溫哥華 加拿大禪堂_『八卦內功』班
30.緬甸 文化瘋八卦
? Winners of the [Energy Bagua Hero Award]
The results are finally out!
Who are the winners of the Energy Bagua Hero award? The long awaited results are finally out today!!
I truly appreciate the overwhelming response and enthusiasm in the participation of the “Energy Bagua heroes activities”. Submissions have poured in from all over the world, with practitioners sharing their fascinating stories ranging wide in content and variety. It turns out, behind every Bagua story, that there are touching and warm moments which we would not have witnessed if not for this activity. Your hard work will also be reflected in your health and touching moments you experienced. I truly believe that your perspiration under the hot sun will bring sparkle and move people. Thank you everyone for putting effort towards your health and for your love ones. May the blessings of Bodhisattva be omnipresent. I praise and cheer for you. With this, the Energy Bagua contribution activity has come to an end. Congratulations for all outstanding works. Thank you for all your participation and efforts which already made you winners in my heart.
As an encouragement to all participants, I have added a few additional special awards to the original top three prizes. “Energy Bagua hero special awards” list has 30 winners. I hope this will serve as an inspiration to our practitioners. I hope everyone will do their best to become winners of their own lives and be the healthiest and happiest people.
Notes to all who won a prize:
1. Please contact your Meditation Center and show this post to collect your prize. Your prize will be sent to your Meditation Center. You need to show your Facebook account as proof.
2. You need to complete personal release authorization in writing to give consent to the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs to be accompanied with proof of written authorization through text messages screenshots or authorization in writing.
3. Work submitted with incomplete authorization in writing will not be shared or shown on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page even if it has won a prize. If there are any queries on copyright issues, feel free to contact the teachers from your Meditation Center to inquire.
“Energy Bagua hero posts” winners are as follows:
Winners from the Individual category (Top 3)
Congratulation for winning a blessed bracelet each.
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center -Thousand people Energy Bagua
2nd prize
Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)
3rd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)
【Top 3 Meditation Center with the most submissions】
Congratulation for winning a blessed vase each
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center (68 submissions)
2nd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (65 submissions)
3rd prize
Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center (37 submissions)
(Top 5 Meditation Center with the most submissions :1.Dragon Spring 68, 2. Fine Dharma 65, 3.Toronto 37, 4.New York 29, 5. Kepong 15)
【Special Awards】— 30 winners—
Congratulations for receiving a mystery gift each
《Magnificent Grandeur》
1. Malaysia, Fine Dharma- Megah Ria Energy Bagua
2. New York – Mrs. Liberty
3. Malaysia – Energy Bagua with the bear
《Never Give Up》
4. Malaysia, Dragon Spring – Kapar Energy Bagua
5. New York – Bensonhurst Park – persevere in the practice
6. Taiwan Chiayi – 81 year old Cangzhan
7. HK, Kwun Tong- 7 days Energy Bagua activity
《Best Energy Bagua child and youth award》
8. Korea, Ansan -children join in the practice
9. Canada, Toronto – Awakening Wisdom class sharing
10. Taiwan, Taichung – Awake to the happy encounters of Energy Bagua
11.USA, Bailian – Merriment Energy Bagua
《Harmonious Award》
12. Malaysia, Kepong – Bagua Family Day
13.USA, Bay Area _Fremont
14. Taiwan, Tainan – Outdoor Energy Bagua Teaching
15. USA, Bailian – A day at the beach
16. Malaysia, Tampin – 400 over enjoying Energy Bagua and breakfast
《The thousand graces of Bagua》
17. Malaysia , Kapong – Energy Bagua
18. Taiwan , Taipei – Shijie – looking forward to practice Energy Bagua with her dad
19. Australia – Winter Energy Bagua
《Encouraging prize 》
20. USA San Francisco & Bailian joint production – introduction to various practice Centers at the Bay Area.
21. Malaysia , Penang- 150+ people practicing Energy Bagua
22. Malaysia- story of Rong-an Cao stepping into a journey on photography
23. Malaysia, Seremban – My affinity with Energy Bagua
24. Malaysia , Baoling – Energy Bagua on a Vietnamese Boat
25. New York, Kristen- reap a life of confidence
26. New York, Chiche Jin
27. Indonesia – rewards from year 2016 Energy Bagua
28. Korea – Youth Energy Bagua
29. Canada, Vancouver – Energy Bagua Class
30. Myanmer – Rich culture Energy Bagua
Congratulations to all the lucky winners! If you do not see your favorite work here, you are welcome to recommend them to me. As delivery of prizes may take some time, please be patient while waiting for notice.
Finally, wishing everyone wins the biggest prize: biggest blessing, always stay healthy and happy!
#EnergBaguaHero Posts, #ListO f Winners, #Winners, #EnergyBaguaPracticeSite, #Healthy, #Happy #Longevity
师父早安吉祥! 感恩师父!
我们马来西亚吧生龙泉禅堂拿到第一名 ✌✌✌✌太棒了!太棒了!
棒棒哒?! 恭喜八卦英雄们欢喜出炉?!太羡慕了!八卦英雄们?上功夫都大大的厉害!。哈哈,咱还有点嫉妒呢!啥时候俺们也能“出炉”一次啊!?
虽然得不到奖啊,但是师父已经给了,师父那大大的加持无处不在啊!自己在心里得个大奖嗯也不错??说心里话:谁不想得到师父亲自加持的圣物啊!哈哈? 师父的弟子个个都精彩,个个都是英雄!都很棒!随喜赞叹各位八卦英雄师兄师姐们!还记得胡歌得奖时对靳东说的话吗?反正都是一家人,奖品都放在家里(大概意思)。我们本是一家人,为你们欢喜为你们鼓掌?美丽的鲜花?送给你们!感恩师父的慈悲加持!弟子知道一切都是最好的安排,弟子告诫自己:我还不很优秀,我还应该更努力?我的修持还很差,我还做的不够好!向师兄师姐们学习,跟着师父好好修!弱小的我祈请师父的加持和鼓励!师父午安吉祥????
我们Desa ParkCity 八卦点非常荣幸,获选得奖了!特别感恩。非常非常感恩。感恩师父的加持和护佑,感恩甲洞禪堂的支持与鼓励,感恩八卦团队的支持,感恩我们八卦点的义工们,更要感恩八卦点所有师兄姐们天天坚持不懈的来走八卦,让我们这个八卦点的人潮日渐增长,创造一个个神奇,更让大家获得健康快乐,让每一个参与者脸上挂满笑容,甜滋滋的天天来报到。!!!!YAY!!!!
平冰 合十感恩 ???
美國 白蓮菩提禪堂
Congrates to all the winners. All participants are awesome too.
Selamat untuk semua pemenang.Tuhan menyertai kita semua..Amin. GOOD MORNING FOR YOU⚘