Saw a Face of Happiness…
Practice being happy in order to be healthy!
“What we know about karma is that’s its an accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in the past. The moment karma manifests, there will be a lot of obstacles obstructing our way forward. However, we can easily overcome these obstacles if we have accumulated sufficient merits and virtues.”
Life is never easy. Not only do we have to toil to feed ourselves, we also have to worry about the challenges faced during the four stages of life – birth, old age, sickness and death. Practicing dharma and meditation brings us the wisdom and energy to liberate ourselves and to face those challenges with a positive mindset.
We only have one chance at this life. We should use this opportunity to learn to be happy, which will help us become healthy and blissful! Let us listen to the touching story of how Xiaomei Li found her happiness…
Xiaomei Li from Vancouver:
I used to bear resentment towards my father due to the quarrels we had in the past. The accumulation of negative emotions in my body caused my health to take a turn for the worse some time back and I began to show symptoms of internal hemorrhage.
One day, when I was at the center to register for meditation class, I happened to hear Master say: “Ingratitude towards your parents will cause bad karma to befall you.” This astounded me and made me realize how poor my attitude has been towards my parents. They love me a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardship to bring me up and put me through school to get my medical doctorate. Yet I have never felt gratitude towards them. I even harbored prejudices against my own father, and rebutted him frequently. Come to think about it, I have been really petty.
Not long after that, I also heard Master say: “I am here to help people; to help petty people become magnanimous, and to help magnanimous people become saints.” Knowing that Master will not give up on me gave me the determination to correct my wrongdoings and to persevere in my practice.
The moment I reached home that day, I made a long distance call to my father. He was gratified by my concern, and was so touched that tears filled his eyes. I couldn’t stop my own tears too. The unhappiness that has lived in my heart for so many years melted away in that instant.
From then on, my mood improved. Whenever I am out, I cannot help but admire the sky that is so blue. The air smelled especially clean and fresh. The flowers are so vibrantly beautiful. Even the birds’ songs are especially pleasant to the ears.
Through chanting and practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my internal hemorrhage was cured. The hard shell that has wrapped around me felt off layer by layer and I became more relaxed and at peace.
I have never felt so touched, grateful and relaxed in my life. I realized there are many other people who are suffering from mental and physical ailments in this world. I would like to learn to spread this joy to them and help them achieve happier and healthier lives.
#Happiness, #Health, #Chanting, #MeditationAndHealth, #Karma, #GratitudeToFamilyrnrn看見幸福的臉龐…
Saw a Face of Happiness…
Practice being happy in order to be healthy!
“What we know about karma is that’s its an accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in the past. The moment karma manifests, there will be a lot of obstacles obstructing our way forward. However, we can easily overcome these obstacles if we have accumulated sufficient merits and virtues.”
Life is never easy. Not only do we have to toil to feed ourselves, we also have to worry about the challenges faced during the four stages of life – birth, old age, sickness and death. Practicing dharma and meditation brings us the wisdom and energy to liberate ourselves and to face those challenges with a positive mindset.
We only have one chance at this life. We should use this opportunity to learn to be happy, which will help us become healthy and blissful! Let us listen to the touching story of how Xiaomei Li found her happiness…
Xiaomei Li from Vancouver:
I used to bear resentment towards my father due to the quarrels we had in the past. The accumulation of negative emotions in my body caused my health to take a turn for the worse some time back and I began to show symptoms of internal hemorrhage.
One day, when I was at the center to register for meditation class, I happened to hear Master say: “Ingratitude towards your parents will cause bad karma to befall you.” This astounded me and made me realize how poor my attitude has been towards my parents. They love me a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardship to bring me up and put me through school to get my medical doctorate. Yet I have never felt gratitude towards them. I even harbored prejudices against my own father, and rebutted him frequently. Come to think about it, I have been really petty.
Not long after that, I also heard Master say: “I am here to help people; to help petty people become magnanimous, and to help magnanimous people become saints.” Knowing that Master will not give up on me gave me the determination to correct my wrongdoings and to persevere in my practice.
The moment I reached home that day, I made a long distance call to my father. He was gratified by my concern, and was so touched that tears filled his eyes. I couldn’t stop my own tears too. The unhappiness that has lived in my heart for so many years melted away in that instant.
From then on, my mood improved. Whenever I am out, I cannot help but admire the sky that is so blue. The air smelled especially clean and fresh. The flowers are so vibrantly beautiful. Even the birds’ songs are especially pleasant to the ears.
Through chanting and practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my internal hemorrhage was cured. The hard shell that has wrapped around me felt off layer by layer and I became more relaxed and at peace.
I have never felt so touched, grateful and relaxed in my life. I realized there are many other people who are suffering from mental and physical ailments in this world. I would like to learn to spread this joy to them and help them achieve happier and healthier lives.
#Happiness, #Health, #Chanting, #MeditationAndHealth, #Karma, #GratitudeToFamily
每每看見 這樣的分享 就很感動 !
我们每个人都需要健康快乐,而只有修行积德消业,心性清净才能达到,一个人难免遇到烦恼不顺,多一些理解和包容,少一些嗔怨和贪婪,理解万岁,功德永恒,只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的明天。 感恩师父的加持护佑,顶礼阿密特
是啊,我们的前世今生不知做了多少错事,才会造成我们的不如意、不顺利、病痛烦恼,業力一旦出現,有很多關真的很难跨過去。 感恩师父引领我们来修行、来做功德,功德具足了,就能轻松跨越障礙、让我们自己的生命变得吉祥起来。
感恩佛师慈悲的大愿 救众生祛病得乐。我没进入菩提前,百病缠身 痛苦不堪 每天愁眉苦脸 没有笑容。进入菩提后每天听佛师的开示 坚持不懈的修,疾病疼痛消失了。修出了健康快乐,心结被佛师一个个的打开,现在我心花怒放 由衷的笑容挂在脸上,师姐说我 总笑 是啊?有一次我说 现在谁都不能阻挡我的快乐?我有了健康 就有了快乐,我一定把我的快乐带给和我有缘需要健康的有缘人。 感恩师父 无尽的感恩
Thank you for your kindness with us all everyday. Namaste ?????