在〈Korean 진푸티선사 金菩提宗師 英…〉中有 46 則留言

  1. Hello recently lost my younger brother and since have been interested in spirituality , meditation, yoga something I can do to distract myself long enough to get back in touch with myself in a positive and rewarding way .

  2. 祈请大慈大悲金菩提上师!大慈大慈观世音菩萨!大慈大慈东方琉璃药师佛!吴明菊女宫颈癌晚期!给刘父年肝癌!刘春敏淋巴癌扩散!沈之竣男孩10岁肌肉萎缩,肌无力!两腿不能行走!给他们调理加持!疾病消失!感恩叩拜恩师!

  3. 師父好


  4. 感恩師父开示,学会看光,色对於將会计劃購入新房子的同修来说,好實用,可幫同修們增加選擇好房子好位置地区的知識,能看到此寶貴的开示真有福氣!讚嘆!讚嘆!感恩頂礼金菩提上師❤❤?

  5. 是,黑暗很可怕呀,所以我到那裡都会帶点会發光的東西,特別是佛菩薩的相片,现在就多帶一張師父的法照〈代表著太陽金色的光,尊貴的金光。〉感恩佛師护佑光照眾生❤❤❤

  6. Anyone likes high end stereos? High end stereos has some real gold in the plug. Best speakers would not do. You need gold cable plugs to transmit the best sound quality.

  7. Green represents hard working and bravery. Without enough trees, there would be more disease. Trees clean the air. In a lot of the Buddhist pictures, Buddha has green lights coming out from their back. It represents calmness. Calmness becomes wisdom.

  8. When I was young, I helped a person who injured his leg. His leg was badly wounded and bruised. One night, I felt that the Buddha was radiating green transparent light.

  9. The Buddha gave me some green light. Next day, I went to the injured person, and shined the green light on him. 2 days later, his leg was getting a lot better. 7 days later, he could run.

  10. 白色代表观音,是慈悲是生命力强大的光,也是代表年青人的光,能量,健康,心比較纯淨的光色。

  11. When I was young, I was meditation on dirt. years later, the dirt has changed it’s color. The dirt that I was meditation on has turned white, it became different color than the dirt around it. I love it to meditate under the moon, the moonlight penetrated into my body.

  12. One time I was in L.A., I met a lady who was very stubborn. She had another master. One time, she took a picture of her master’s relic under the moon light. The picture showed the moon looked like a lotus. She asked me why. Back then the photo was not digital.

  13. 不做惡,多發佈施,多观想供養,多做善事,時常感恩,多舍多得。

  14. 慈悲的师父救救我吧,我明天住院了不能在听师父的开始了,我要健康起来,我要争做人间的菩萨,愿我早日好起来,与师父同愿同行,师父啊弟子太让您费心了,顶礼恩师

  15. 今天工作番早更,不能回禪堂看月圓直播,中午時曾上來看不見直播連結,當時是有一絲的失望;現在下班,再打開看見有同修將直播連結分享出來,還在以為沒有重播哩,發現了已急不及待要點擊進去,好想看看師父今天給我們開示了什麼內容,合十感恩諸公。

  16. 太感恩师父啦,都无法形容的感恩,感恩师父今天传授殊胜难得的密法。

  17. 师父您太慈悲了,真的太慈悲了,这么高深的法,竟然这么慈悲的直播给大众,震撼,师父,您太慈悲了!希望我们每个人都好好珍惜,好好修练,多帮人多行善!

  18. This morning 6:o”clock pray to Buddha blessings to me and chatting for Buddha around one hour ,I.feel very good and wonderful. ! Thanks a lot , thanks Master JinBodhi and take care yourself , don’t so work hard and have a great holiday with your family !

  19. 光,气,色,运。
    观察人 山 树 房子
    红 黄 蓝 绿 紫 白 (吉祥 好运气)
    紫气东来 (圣人老子西去出关的典故)
    红色屋里出贵人 吉祥色
    太阳的主色, 正阳气
    (包公 – 阴阳眼,白天看人间,晚上看阴间)
    黄色 尊贵 (多穿黄色)

  20. 感恩师父的开示。我受益很多。终于察觉到我应该观想用不同颜色的光在修大光明。还有今天困扰我很久的2个烦恼终于有头绪/办法解决了!感恩师父的加持???

  21. 我每天都重温一遍师父对光、阳光、灯光、月光的开示,非常受益,感恩师父?慈悲引领着我们一步一步往更加深入开发功能(天目)真诚感恩师父?

  22. 师父好,感恩师父“月光”的开示,我错过了直播,补看的重播,那天黎明时我梦见一轮黄色的特大月亮挂在天空,好明亮炫目,醒来时好惊喜,感恩师父。
