直播預告(2017年1月22日) 直播 …

直播 首爾念佛班 第六天 ,韓國時間(上午9:00)
中文頻道 Chinese:

Live broadcast notice (January 22, 2017,Korea time)
생방송 예고(2017년 1월 22일) 오전 9:00
တိုက္ရိုက္လြင့္ၾကိဳ အသိေပးျခင္း 2017ခုနွစ္ 1လ 22ရက္
Pengumuman Live broadcast (22 Januari 2017)
Please attend using the following links.
English channel Grandmaster JinBodhi 英文頻道:

Live broadcast notice (January 22,2017)
생방송 예고(2017년 1월 22일) 오전 9:00
Korean 진푸티선사 金菩提宗師 韓文頻道

Indonesian 印尼語頻道:

1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
4.北美太平洋時間: 2017年1月21日,下午4:00開始
Live broadcast notice (January 22, 2017)
Tomorrow we will start at 9:00am Korea time and continue with our live broadcast from the Chanting Class. The various countries live broadcast time is as per below. Welcome all of you to join me to participate on this live event.
English channel Grandmaster JinBodhi 英文頻道:

1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore:
January 22, 2017 at 8:00 hrs
2. South Korea:
January 22, 2017 at 9:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone):
January 21, 2017 at 19:00 hrs
4. North American (Pacific zone):
January 21, 2017 at 16:00 hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia):
January 22, 2017 at 11:00 hrs
直播 首爾念佛班 第六天 ,韓國時間(上午9:00)
中文頻道 Chinese:

Live broadcast notice (January 22, 2017,Korea time)
생방송 예고(2017년 1월 22일) 오전 9:00
တိုက္ရိုက္လြင့္ၾကိဳ အသိေပးျခင္း 2017ခုနွစ္ 1လ 22ရက္
Pengumuman Live broadcast (22 Januari 2017)
Please attend using the following links.
English channel Grandmaster JinBodhi 英文頻道:

Live broadcast notice (January 22,2017)
생방송 예고(2017년 1월 22일) 오전 9:00
Korean 진푸티선사 金菩提宗師 韓文頻道

Indonesian 印尼語頻道:

1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
4.北美太平洋時間: 2017年1月21日,下午4:00開始
Live broadcast notice (January 22, 2017)
Tomorrow we will start at 9:00am Korea time and continue with our live broadcast from the Chanting Class. The various countries live broadcast time is as per below. Welcome all of you to join me to participate on this live event.
English channel Grandmaster JinBodhi 英文頻道:

1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore:
January 22, 2017 at 8:00 hrs
2. South Korea:
January 22, 2017 at 9:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone):
January 21, 2017 at 19:00 hrs
4. North American (Pacific zone):
January 21, 2017 at 16:00 hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia):
January 22, 2017 at 11:00 hrs


在〈直播預告(2017年1月22日) 直播 …〉中有 21 則留言

  1. Nam mo a di da phat
    Nam mo a di da phat
    Nam mo a di da phat
    Nam mo bon su thich ca mau ni phat
    Nam mo bon su thich ca mau ni phat
    Nam mo bon su thich ca mau ni phat
    Nam mo dai tu dai bi quan the am bo tat
    Nam mo dai tu dai bi quan the am bo tat
    Nam mo dai tu dai bi quan the am bo tat

  2. 師父,你昨天開示講述父母的恩情是無限,父母對子女的愛是無條件的,我們一定要在父母生前孝順關愛父母,東钧明白這個道理,但未盡真正的孝道,每次為父母唸佛,深感忏悔內疚,一定會流出悲傷的淚珠。感恩師父開示教化孝道,祈請師父保重法体,不要太操勞!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲,让我们不用离开家也一样可以参加如此殊胜的念佛班!第一时间听到师父开示、接收到师父的大加持!期待着晚上7点钟跟师父同步念佛!顶礼感恩叩拜师父!

  4. 感恩佛师!我們真幸福天天能見到您并聆聽您的法語開示,享受着您的法力大加持,我們永遠愛您尊貴的佛师。

  5. 师父好!感恩师父!我们真的很幸福每天都能见到您并聆听您的慈悲开示和法语甘露,享受您的法力大加持,我们永远❤️您尊贵的上师!顶礼叩拜!???

  6. Nam mô quan thế âm bồ tát cứu khổ cứu nạn
    Nam mô quan thế âm bồ tát cứu khổ cứu nạn
    Nam mô quan thế âm bồ tát cứu khổ cứu nạn

  7. i loved this wisdom guanyin very much. 1st found her in bodhi magazine. 2nd time met her in yang yuan tang on my 1st day of 8.5 days course. I am blessed to have the affinity to meet such a high graceful guanyin in my life. I love you, guanyinpusa!
