

Global Group Practice on Saturday (5 Nov 2016)
In Search of Enlightenment – Part 1
Can We Rely On Our [ Feelings ] and [ Perceptions ]?
How can we avoid being influenced by our feelings and perceptions which affect our ability to distinguish effectively?
For example, the water in a well taste cool and refreshing in summer. In winter, we feel the same water is icy cold. However, the temperature of the water in both seasons may be similar. Only with the help of a thermometer can we make the right judgment.
We believe our senses easily: what we see, hear, smell, taste and feel. These sensory feelings impact our behaviours and control our thoughts. These feelings in turn are often subjected to external factors and personal preferences such as likes and dislikes, mood, etc. As such, we often lose our capability to be discerning.
How can we stop our disturbed hearts from further conflicts which can hinder our road to success?
Let’s meet this Saturday to explore “In Search of Enlightenment – Part 1. May all be blessed with auspiciousness and happiness.
Time Schedules for Online Global Group Practice at various centers worldwide:
(Various center Group Practice is normally fix on Saturday at 0900 hrs. Please contact the center nearest to you on their respective practice timing)

1.臺北 北京/馬來西亞時間:
2.韓國時間: 2016年11月5日,上午10:00開始
3.新加坡時間: 2016年11月5日,上午9:00開始
4.北美東部時間: 2016年11月4日,晚上9:00開始
5.北美太平洋時間: 2016年11月4日,晚上6:00開始rnrn週六網路共修預告(2016年11月5日)

Global Group Practice on Saturday (5 Nov 2016)
In Search of Enlightenment – Part 1
Can We Rely On Our [ Feelings ] and [ Perceptions ]?
How can we avoid being influenced by our feelings and perceptions which affect our ability to distinguish effectively?
For example, the water in a well taste cool and refreshing in summer. In winter, we feel the same water is icy cold. However, the temperature of the water in both seasons may be similar. Only with the help of a thermometer can we make the right judgment.
We believe our senses easily: what we see, hear, smell, taste and feel. These sensory feelings impact our behaviours and control our thoughts. These feelings in turn are often subjected to external factors and personal preferences such as likes and dislikes, mood, etc. As such, we often lose our capability to be discerning.
How can we stop our disturbed hearts from further conflicts which can hinder our road to success?
Let’s meet this Saturday to explore “In Search of Enlightenment – Part 1. May all be blessed with auspiciousness and happiness.
Time Schedules for Online Global Group Practice at various centers worldwide:
(Various center Group Practice is normally fix on Saturday at 0900 hrs. Please contact the center nearest to you on their respective practice timing)

1.臺北 北京/馬來西亞時間:
2.韓國時間: 2016年11月5日,上午10:00開始
3.新加坡時間: 2016年11月5日,上午9:00開始
4.北美東部時間: 2016年11月4日,晚上9:00開始
5.北美太平洋時間: 2016年11月4日,晚上6:00開始


在〈週六網路共修預告(2016年11月5日)…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 太感恩师父了!现在对于我,每一天都是一个新的期待。期待看师父的FB又发新贴了,期待师父又要引领共修了。心里的感觉不仅是幸福,不仅是快乐,不仅是充实,还有感恩还有喜悦,还常常有忽然明白一个道理后的惊奇,还有感觉到自己的身心都在日新月异地变化的满怀希望……期待周六的法会!感恩师父!越看师父的开示,越觉得师父说得真是太好了,太有道理了!太智慧了!太让人佩服了!感恩师父!

  2. 太幸福了,感恩师父!套去年二级班一位六十多岁大妈的话:“小时候有父亲带,现在有师父带,太幸福了!而且沒亲没故。”她头三天老是说没感觉,第五天开始流眼泪了。

  3. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父每时每刻慈悲加持和护我们健康成长,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,愿佛光普照,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  4. 感恩师父周六共修为我们解答人類的「知覺感受」到底可不可信?修行中我们会有很多的觉受,但是我们不能去执着它。期待师父在「覺悟的探索之一」传授给我们觉悟的真谛。

  5. 师父辛苦了!跟随师父的智慧引领,我们由虚妄执着逐步走向探求真实的觉悟之境。做师父的弟子太幸福了!真诚感恩尊贵的师父!

  6. 感恩師父慈悲提醒!

  7. 弟子們上一分鐘清醒,下一分鐘迷糊,世事無常態,心也跟著起起伏伏,要真正覺悟不容易啊!感恩上師引領,帶領弟子,一步一腳印的向上走.弟子頂禮尊貴的佛師

  8. 感恩佛师慈悲的开示与分享!祈祷天下有缘的苦难众生都能听到师父的法语甘露!都能从烦恼无明的痛苦中解脱出来!
