【真誠浴佛】一念真誠,護佑永恆! . 5…


【Bathe the Buddha with sincerity】 A Sincere thought Brings Eternal Blessings

The ‘Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony’ on May 4th in Taiwan was attended by some 5,000 devotees. It was majestic as fairies scattered flower petals, celestial beings in heaven and sentient beings on earth joined in celebration! The atmosphere was extremely auspicious and dignified!

At the ‘Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony’, fresh flowers donned the terrace with much offerings, and the nine golden dragon bowls were dithered with flower petals. In the midst of the purple petals, a bright yellow flower stands out radiantly. As I bathe the Buddha, the first ladle of clear water purifies the Buddha’s body, the second purifies our heart … as I raise the ladle for the third and last time, the yellow flower seemingly in tow with the flow of water, falls neatly in the arm of Prince Buddha, symbolizing exceptional devotion, and embellishing the Buddha – this is most auspicious.

When we bathe the Buddha, we are in reality purifying ourselves. As we bathe the Buddha, our thought should encompass, “Solemnly, with utmost purity and serenity, I seek the Buddha’s help to stay away from undue troubles; the Buddha’s auspicious illumination radiates me with good health; the Buddha’s perfect wisdom grants me boundless mental acuity, so that I enjoy a successful career, my children enjoy success in learning, and may we all be healthy, intelligent, wise and well-fulfilled.”

On this most auspicious day, you can also ‘make a wish’ to the Buddha; earnestly seek the Buddha’s help to fulfill your wish. Following, do remember to revisit the meditation center to convey your gratitude or ‘redeem a vow’ when your wish materializes.

「Redeeming a vow (wish)」is very simple. It is through sincere veneration to the Buddha – that is the mark of respect.

Lastly, I wish all who have the opportunity to participate in the Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony:
To be reborn, enjoy a healthier, happier, wiser, with greater intelligence, as well as a more wholesome and fulfilling life as we ‘Bath the Buddha’ together.

‘A ladle of clear water, an offer of incense, and a sincere veneration bring eternal blessings’!

#BathingTheBuddhaFestival, #BathTheBuddhaWithSincerity, #EternalBlessings, #HealthAndHappiness, #HappinessAndJoy


在〈【真誠浴佛】一念真誠,護佑永恆! . 5…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 师父师母早上好!祝福师母师母每天开心快乐!法体安康!弘法顺利!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑我们健康成长!感恩师父慈悲赐福我们美好祝福!弟子收到!我们永远爱您师父!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 感恩师父浴佛节的大能量的加持与护佑。为了众生得解脱师父不顾自己劳累全世界的弘法。师父就是慈悲的佛陀!千言万语都无法表达对师父的感恩恭敬之心。只能化作心里无限嗯祝福!祝福师父青春永驻!法体安康!弘法顺利!阖家欢乐!吉祥如意!永久驻世!我们永远爱您!恭敬您!追随您!顶礼师父!

  3. 感恩佛师!我家师兄生意上!和儿刚发生矛盾今天处理!祈请佛师化解他们之间的矛盾!我想看到和平!感恩佛师!顶礼叩拜佛师!???

  4. 好吉祥殊胜的法会,佛陀的慈悲,师父的大加持,无不让我们沐浴在法喜之中,我的右手姆指疼痛也在师父的法力加持中消失,感恩慈悲的师父!感恩像佛陀一样护佑众生的师父

  5. Good morning, Master JinBodhi. May all sentient beings be healthy and free from suffering. Thank you, Master JinBodhi.

  6. 师父师母早安:真诚感恩随喜赞叹上师佛陀所恩赐予众生的一切美好!真诚感恩随喜赞叹上师佛陀无限的慈悲及无量圆满功德!真诚祈愿上师佛菩萨慈悲加持呵护一切众生都获得如上师佛菩萨一样慈悲智慧光明吉祥的伟大生命!真诚感恩顶礼慈悲的上师佛陀及诸佛菩萨!??????

  7. 感恩師父 一念真誠 真誠的慈悲護佑 如在佛前 發願 你發心什麼 心願 你一定要還願

  8. 收到,所有的家人们都收到,跪拜感恩南无大慈大悲佛陀的大加持、跪拜感恩我们最尊贵最慈悲的佛师恩赐无上妙法于众生,您太伟大了,爱师父

  9. 感恩師父慈悲加持,沐浴我們的身心靈,讓我們沐浴在佛光中得到吉祥的祝福與加持!弟子恭敬合十感恩師父,感恩師父慈悲的開示!弟子感恩頂禮叩拜師父

  10. 感恩师父在这殊胜的浴佛节法会上慈悲大加持我们及一切众生,我们都收到师父慈悲大加持和祝福,受益满满,能量满满!感恩叩拜师父!☕???????????

  11. 脚痛了十多年,感恩师父的加持,弟子收到了,不痛了,早上还能去做運動。感恩师父解脱我的痛苦。祝师父,法体安康,吉祥如意???。南無本師釋迦牟尼佛???

  12. 感恩慈悲的师父教化”真诚浴佛“一念真诚,護佑永恒!
    我们沐浴佛,其实也在清净着自身。”佛的清净庄严,邦助我也远离烦恼; 佛的吉祥光明,使我也获得健康; 佛有无边智慧,使我智慧通达,让我们事业有成,子女也都能学业有成,健康、聪明、智慧、圆满。”

  13. 师父,您好!收到了师父滿滿的祝福!謝謝師父!我也准备和我的親人一起去參加浴佛法會了。感恩师父!

  14. 感恩佛师慈悲开示加持???时时刻刻关照众生佛师弟子真诚感恩顶礼叩拜尊师???愿所有众生有缘人都能得佛师加持护佑健康快乐幸福吉祥智慧事事顺利???

  15. 感恩师父慈悲的加持!感恩师父再次慈悲的加持!感恩师父!师父辛苦了!感恩师父让我们健康快乐幸福吉祥如意!收到我们永远爱您师父!感恩顶礼叩拜大慈大悲金菩提上师恩师!!!
