【網路預留票】2019年5月4日 (星期…

【網路預留票】2019年5月4日 (星期六)
舉辦地點:台北市 11568 南港區經貿二路 1 號
1⃣ 於索票網留下您的姓名、郵箱。
2⃣ 選擇參加人數。
3⃣ 提交此表后,您將收到一封電子郵件。
4⃣ ?參加法會時,請在手機上給工作人員看此郵件,或者出示這封郵件的打印件,作為票據,以便入場。

【Online Ticket Reservation】 May 4, 2019 (Saturday)
“2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessings Ceremony” organized by Bodhi Meditation

Please click on the link below to get your tickets online:

At the instance of Sakyamuni Buddha’s birth, the earth shook, heavenly fairies scattered flowers and nine dragons spouted water that showered the little prince. These are signs of both heaven and earth rejoicing in the birth. His birth heralded the arrival of the Buddhist dharma and revealed the path of liberation that all lost sentient beings can follow.

As we showered the Buddha with fresh flowers and clean water, we are cleansing our hearts in return. Once cleansed of mortal grime, we should make a vow to help all other sentient beings get cleansed so that they, too, can be blessed with good fortune and bright illumination.

The whole world celebrates the birth of the eminent Buddha on this special day.

On May 4 (Saturday), we will be holding the “Bathing the Buddha Blessings Ceremony” in Taipei, Taiwan. I will be there personally to preside over the ceremony.

On that day, there will be an experiential zone, a fun-fair filled with good food, great gifts and many fun parent-child bonding activities. Bodhi Meditation cordially invites you to join us in the “Bathing the Buddha Blessings Ceremony” to celebrate the birth day of the distinguished Buddha.

Let us sing the praises of Buddha and venerate to him:
“Today, as I bathe the Buddha with water – Buddha with the purest wisdom, a regal countenance and sufficient merits – I wish that all sentient beings will be cleansed of their mortal grime and attain enlightenment like the Buddha.”

Location and time of the ceremony:
Time: May 2, 2019 (Saturday), 9am to 1pm Taiwan time.
Location: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1, No. 1 Jingmao 2nd Road, Nangang District, Taipei City 11568.
See you all in Hall 1 of Nangang Exhibition Center.

To get/reserve tickets online:
1. Leave your name and email address on the online ticket reservation form. (Please provide a valid email address to ensure that you receive the electronic ticket.)
2. Select the number of people attending the ceremony.
3. You will receive an email after submitting the form.
4. On the day itself, show the email to the Bodhi Meditation staff at the entrance to gain entry. You can choose to either show them the email on your phone or print out a hard copy.

*Quantities are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis.
*Those who have already obtained the physical tickets should not register online again.



在〈【網路預留票】2019年5月4日 (星期…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 感恩上师这么好的日子可惜没机会只好在家等候这天共庆佳节吧!感恩佛陀!感恩师父!

  2. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父!我们只有在视频里和师父一起共庆佳节!叩拜恩师!??????????

  3. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父!我们只有在视频里和师父一起共庆佳节!叩拜恩师!??????????

  4. 师父师母好!感恩师父大慈大悲筹办浴佛节吉祥大加持法会!也感恩为法会努力工作的师兄师姐!请示一事:是否有全程网上直播?远方的同修期盼,期盼法会如期成功园满播出!顶礼感恩致敬!

  5. 快快分享出去!争做网络灯塔、接引菩萨。

  6. 感恩师父!弟子自知业力深重。。。更需说到做到加倍努力!感恩师父加持护佑!感恩大慈大悲释迦牟尼佛!

  7. 感恩师父的慈悲大爱!感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑我们健康快乐!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  8. 师父!我做梦都想去,可是机缘福报不够!这次美好的机会就错过啦!不过,只要真诚的努力争取下一次机会!我深信,所有的期待在慈母恩师的加持护佑下都能实现的!感恩师父!祝福师父!

  9. 感恩慈悲的师父我们在视频内和慈悲的师父一道庆祝佛陀圣诞,礼敬扣拜佛陀与慈悲的师父!永远牢记佛陀与佛师之恩,无已相报。只有永远听从恩师教诲与引领跟随师父让有缘众生”离苦得乐“才能让佛陀与恩师开心?快乐!

  10. 好羡慕那些可以去现场的小伙伴们哦。30号晚上就出去参团自驾游了,不知道能不能赶回来看直播了。祈请佛菩萨的护佑,我们一路顺风,开心快乐的游玩O(∩_∩)O!!还有一事,那天发的帖子师姐的女婿今天已经从重症监护室出院了,感恩师父!!!

  11. 感恩師父的慈悲大爱!感恩師父佛菩薩慈悲加持護佑我们健康快樂!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩師!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!心情好激动!虽然不能亲自去参加,但是为那些能去参加的人感到高兴幸福!感恩师父的慈悲大爱!让众生都能得解脱得吉祥自在!祈愿浴佛节让所有众生都能洗心革面,重获新生,弃恶从善!光明吉祥!安康富贵!顶礼师父!

  13. 感恩师父,多么希望我们也能和师父在一起庆祝佛陀圣诞,叩拜佛陀和师父。弟子业力大,没有缘份见到我的恩师,只有在网络上,视频里和师父一起共庆佳节,是否有网上直播,远方的我和同修的期盼。

  14. 感恩师父慈悲大爱!亲自主持浴佛节法会加持护佑!感恩师父!感恩南无夲师释迦牟尼佛!???

  15. 师父晚安吉祥!哇师父亲自主持!好激动人心呀!想想都幸福!随喜台湾同修太幸福了??感恩师父?❤️???

  16. Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha

  17. 太感恩了伟大的师父!从今天起又是个无数的人洗掉身心灵上的污浊 污垢,变得身光明 心光明 识更光明!感恩伟大的尊贵的佛陀!感恩南无本师释迦牟尼佛!!!
