學謙讓 . . 行不去處,須知退一步之法…


#學謙讓 、#菜根譚 、#六尺巷
Cultivating humility

When one’s path is obstacle-laden, one needs to put humility at the fore;
When one’s path is smooth, one needs to work three times harder at humility.
The above is one of the aphorisms from the book Caigentan that urged for cultivation of humility toward all, in times of adversity and even more so in times of fortune.
Ever heard of the Six Feet Lane in Tongcheng, Anhui, and wondered about its beginnings?
During the Qing dynasty, there was an illustrious Zhang family, whose patriarchs served as Prime Ministers for three generations. This family disputed with his neighbor over the surrounding land in order to build his villa. Neither side was prepared to give way over the three feet border of land. The situation escalated to the Judicial Court.
The Zhang family, being senior officials, was not afraid of the lawsuit. Prime Minister Zhang had his aide reach out in a letter to the county head in the Capital to pass the judgement in favor of the Zhang family.
Having received and read the letter, the county head responded cryptically, “… if you can reach out over thousands of miles to seek a favor, is it too much to give up a three feet wide space? The thousand-mile glorious Great Wall is clear for all to see, yet how many have any idea how its originator Emperor Qin look like?”
Upon reading the response, Prime Minister Zhang immediately stopped pursuing the case, and offered the three feet wide space to his neighbor as a gesture of magnanimity. The neighbor, surprised by the change of heart, reciprocated by giving up another three feet of space, bringing the matter to rest. This story thereafter came to be known as the “Six Feet Lane” legend.
Another tale involved a Prince Guo Ziyi《郭子仪》during the Tang dynasty. Emerging victorious from a battle and in celebratory spirits, the Prince wanted to build a villa and decided to supervise its construction. He would constantly remind the workers to perform and not fail in their mission. The workers, tired of the incessant badgering, took to reassure the Prince that his family of three generations in Chang’an had been specializing in masonry work. In fact, they had constructed countless villas and never had one collapsed. The houses had also outlasted several owners! From that instance, Prince Guo stopped hassling the workers.
Through these simple yet philosophical occurrences, Prime Minister Zhang and Prince Guo learnt their lessons in humility.
Humility is a great virtue; when one takes the first step towards humility by giving way and giving selflessly, one benefits and gains greater wisdom.

#CultivatingHumility, #CaiGenTan #SixFeetLanernrn學謙讓

#學謙讓 、#菜根譚 、#六尺巷
Cultivating humility

When one’s path is obstacle-laden, one needs to put humility at the fore;
When one’s path is smooth, one needs to work three times harder at humility.
The above is one of the aphorisms from the book Caigentan that urged for cultivation of humility toward all, in times of adversity and even more so in times of fortune.
Ever heard of the Six Feet Lane in Tongcheng, Anhui, and wondered about its beginnings?
During the Qing dynasty, there was an illustrious Zhang family, whose patriarchs served as Prime Ministers for three generations. This family disputed with his neighbor over the surrounding land in order to build his villa. Neither side was prepared to give way over the three feet border of land. The situation escalated to the Judicial Court.
The Zhang family, being senior officials, was not afraid of the lawsuit. Prime Minister Zhang had his aide reach out in a letter to the county head in the Capital to pass the judgement in favor of the Zhang family.
Having received and read the letter, the county head responded cryptically, “… if you can reach out over thousands of miles to seek a favor, is it too much to give up a three feet wide space? The thousand-mile glorious Great Wall is clear for all to see, yet how many have any idea how its originator Emperor Qin look like?”
Upon reading the response, Prime Minister Zhang immediately stopped pursuing the case, and offered the three feet wide space to his neighbor as a gesture of magnanimity. The neighbor, surprised by the change of heart, reciprocated by giving up another three feet of space, bringing the matter to rest. This story thereafter came to be known as the “Six Feet Lane” legend.
Another tale involved a Prince Guo Ziyi《郭子仪》during the Tang dynasty. Emerging victorious from a battle and in celebratory spirits, the Prince wanted to build a villa and decided to supervise its construction. He would constantly remind the workers to perform and not fail in their mission. The workers, tired of the incessant badgering, took to reassure the Prince that his family of three generations in Chang’an had been specializing in masonry work. In fact, they had constructed countless villas and never had one collapsed. The houses had also outlasted several owners! From that instance, Prince Guo stopped hassling the workers.
Through these simple yet philosophical occurrences, Prime Minister Zhang and Prince Guo learnt their lessons in humility.
Humility is a great virtue; when one takes the first step towards humility by giving way and giving selflessly, one benefits and gains greater wisdom.

#CultivatingHumility, #CaiGenTan #SixFeetLane


在〈學謙讓 . . 行不去處,須知退一步之法…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 师父好!弟子永记心里,待人宽一分是福,利人其实是利己,天底下的智慧,谦让的方便之门其实是靠你的智慧来完成。感恩师父慈悲分享!

  2. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子谨记在心,利人其实是利已,祝师父法体安康!恆久驻世!法輪常轉!弟子合十顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲教化?我们凡夫俗子如果都能做到像这个县长这样大的气度,就不会有伤害和不和谐。前几天新闻报道说,安徽省因为一只小狗竟然搭上四条人命的警示⚠️多么惨烈的教训。退一步海阔天空!“舍”能解决一切问题。吃亏是福?感恩师父?

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲教化!待人寬一分是福,利人其實是利己,天底下的智慧,謙讓的方便之門其實是靠你的智慧來完成。祝福师父法体安康,天天开心!

  5. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲开示,待人宽一分是福,利人其实是利己,天底下的智慧,谦讓的方便之門其實是靠智慧来完成。弟子谨记于心!感恩顶礼叩拜师父!???

  6. 感恩师父教化!常人都是争名夺利,更有得理不饶人,因此产生了伤害以至苦厄。如果时时事事懂得能够做到谦让,那结果就变好了,就改变了自己的命运!

  7. 感恩師父慈悲殷殷教誨:

  8. 看了师父这段开示,使我想起来我们的一位师姐。去她家时我发现东院的临居铇地就占了二条垅的地大约二尺多的地,我当时就想不通,问师姐东院的人家不是在欺负人吗。师姐就说了一句让他有何防,我未必就穷了,师姐的大度为人处事真是高境界,是学习的榜样!

  9. 师父分享小小故事,非常感人,常言道:得饶人处且饶人。学会 大度宽容做人,秉礼处世,是和邻居朋友家人的相处之道,社会才会和谐美好 。

  10. 感恩慈爱的师父慈悲分享与教导!千里求書為道牆,讓他三尺又何妨?長城萬里今猶在,誰見當年秦始皇?世间一切皆为无常,都不能永恒。

  11. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!弟子谨记,做人做事要懂得谦让,给别人方便就是给自己方便,利人利己。顶礼叩拜恩师!

  12. 師父好!這故事讓我想到唐宋八大家中韓愈的治家格言:退一步自然優雅,讓三分何等清閒,忍幾句無憂自在,耐一時快樂神仙。可見自古以來寬容待人就是讓自己的路走得更寬更順暢的法寶,也是不變的定律,不變的智慧。感恩師父分享!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲教化!待人寬一分是福,利人其實是利己,天底下的智慧,謙讓的方便之門其實是靠你的智慧來完成。祝福师父法体安康,天天开心!

  14. 感恩師父分享這个故事,学谦让,行不去處,须知退一步之法,行得去處,務加让三分之功,感恩師父的教導,待人宽一分是福,利人其實是利己,天底下的智慧,弟子都收到,谢谢師父。

  15. 師父吉祥,感恩師父慈悲开示。弟子永记在心中,待人宽一分是福,利人其實是利己,天底下的智慧,谦让的方便之门其實是靠你的智慧來完成。

  16. 感恩师父教化我们学会谦让。让利其实就是获利,人计较的太多失去的也会太多,在利益面前你多占了,好像是你得到了,但是你会在其它的事情上有所损失。细想一下人生无常,生命有限,我们拥有的一切,都会失去,能属于我们的也是暂时拥有,何必让自己为了一点蝇头小利,而失德失信于人去争执不休呢。究其根源都是贪念所致,让利就是舍,能舍是智慧,利人就是利己,财富好运吉祥,是靠舍得和让利而获得的。

  17. 顶礼叩拜恩师,感恩上师的慈悲开示,弟子铭记于心,爱师父,祝师父永远幸福,吉祥如意,笑口常开,法体安康所有的美好祝福都送给我最爱的大恩上师

  18. 感恩师父慈悲开示!学谦让。弟子牢记。人生短暂,还有多少时间争长论短,今天再大的事,到了明天就是小事一桩。人与人之间多几分宽容,便是海阔天空!命运靠自己掌握,宽容别人就是善待自己!跟随佛师阔步前进!走向光明!感恩师父!!!

  19. “六尺巷”的故事还上过“春晚”,当作中华美德来颂扬。想起以前看过作家贾平凹的书,讲述老家农村一“非钻石王老五”因不服家屋边的一棵树“被集体”,抗争十几年,拿回后不出几年,却是“人去楼空树叹风”,空遗憾,不知作家当时有没有想到“万里长城今犹在,不见当年秦始王”此词啊。联想我们,平时我们在家也是这样,“得理不让人”,如果做到有理让一步,不盛气凌人;无理退三步,宽厚喜舍,家里生出多少笑声和幸福温馨啊。感恩师父!跟着师父“修”,跟着师父“悟”,握拉着师父的手,倒是不想“倒一步,让三步”,而是走一步是一步,每一步,都精彩!哈哈。顶礼至爱的师父!

  20. 确实是这样,无论在公司、社会上或者在家里,在利益面前谦让一些,就少了很多人际间的摩擦,其实是让自己和他人都少了烦恼、增加了融合度。正所谓“待人寬一分是福,利人其實是利己!”。感恩师父!

  21. 师父好,昨天出去吃饭发生的事,本来一直觉得自己没错,当然我的态度没有那么好,可是结单往外走时脑子里突然就想到了师父的这个帖子,“谦让”!还是象老公那样能忍了就算了,以后顶多不点那个菜或者不去这个餐厅!而我当时心里就没这个念头,觉得我点凉菜,你给来个热的,而且还搞得那么糟糕,就理所当然的“质问”上了…觉得自己还是素质太差了!对不起呀师父,还得继续努力改正自己!感恩师父教诲!
