【週六網路共修】_ 願望決定人生成就 ….

【週六網路共修】_ 願望決定人生成就
【Online Global Group Practice】Our aspirations determine how far we go in life

One practitioner asked me, “I like to have a heroic or even an enlightened life.”
I told him, “Our aspirations determine our life’s accomplishment. Aspiration is the source of wisdom creation and motivates us to act on our dreams and even broaden our life’s horizon. In the process, we gain charisma and this helps us to identify life’s purpose and meaning.”

One who is destined for great things in life looks from a broader perspective which is beyond what ordinary person can imagine! A person of great thought and aspiration is first a sower, not a harvester. Today, I plant trees for the benefits and comfort of my future descendants and for me when I grow old. This greatly differs from the thinking of the ordinary people whose only thought revolves around cutting down the tree to make stools, tables, or just firewood.

Therefore, a person with great aspirations and dreams will not be trapped by existing problems and worries. This is because he knows that happiness awaits him after he overcomes his current obstacles. Hence, great spiritual realm is the concept of transcending time and space, and even overcoming the feeling of hurdles. This is the key to the “winner trait”.

Regardless of whether we want to be an ordinary person or hope to be a liberated, peaceful and enlightened person, I need to remind everyone not to be overly calculative. If a person is perpetually wrapped in minor petty chores, he will not achieve great things. He will end up being penny wise and pound foolish.

I hope for those who are destined to hear this speech enjoy a comfortable, happy and successful life.

#SaturdayGlobalGroupPractice, #QualitiesOfASuccessfulPerson, #BuddhaDharmaAndLifeAchievement, #AspirationDeterminesLifeAccomplishments, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeachings
