如何改變生活 . 我們學習禪修的初步目的…

#改變生活、 #解脫煩惱、 #健康、 #長壽、 #快樂
How to improve our lives
Our initial purpose of learning meditation is for health, longevity and happiness.
Hence, please choose to be a “kind” person. Be mindful of other people’s feelings. Be generous, magnanimous and forgiving.
When you are willing to be a good person and when you have these changes in your heart, your life and your family relationships will change for the better.

#LifeImprove, #WorryFree, #Health, #Longevity, #Happiness


二十年的脂肪肝消失了 . 重生的喜悅是因…


Twenty Years Fatty Liver Disappeared
The joy of being born again is due to the choice of faith
Believe and persevere on bravely with the practice
And be able to embrace your joy of rebirth today..

Min You, from Malaysia – JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center
I suffered from fatty liver for 20 years, medication did not help the situation and there was no improvement during the yearly medical check-ups. My doctor said he has no solution.
I started meditation in January 2016 and participated in the 8.5 days Health and Happiness Retreat and the chanting class at Bodhi Meditation Centre. In February 2017 this year, I went back to the hospital for a check-up again and my doctor actually told me that my liver had recovered and is normal now!
I also experienced another miracle. Last November, my head was hit by a metal plate at a shopping mall entrance. At that time, I felt vibration in my head and some pressure on the spine at the neck for a while. The next day, I had a very bad headache. The doctor said we had to wait for 3 months to see if my memory is affected or felt weird before deciding to have an x-ray taken. After this, my scalp started tingling and the back of the head felt like it did not stick to the skull. I felt my scalp was empty and my brain was blank frequently. My spine also felt more and more painful, more and more tight, as if something was pulling it. This feeling slowly extended to the shoulder, to the chest. I felt painful and had no strength to raise my head. When I lie down, I could not even raise my head.
When I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my head felt hot and it was comfortable. At that time my daughter-in-law obtained a bunch of beads from the meditation center and gave it to me. I like to beautify myself and would wear the bunch of beads on my hands and neck. Unexpectedly, on the second day of wearing the beads, my spine felt unobstructed, without pain, I felt very relaxed.
After 2 months of practice, I don’t feel empty or have any tingling feelings anymore; my brain also does not go blank. It’s unbelievable that at 65 years old, I am still able to lead a healthier and happier life. All thanks to me meeting Bodhi Meditation and meeting Grandmaster JinBodhi.
I wish to share my gratitude and touching story with all of you. May you persevere on with life like me, not giving up but growing in confidence. To help ourselves and others in life.
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medication dosage without consulting the doctor.
Please follow the advice of the doctor.
#FattyLiver, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #MeditationJournal, #Reborn

Twenty Years Fatty Liver Disappeared
The joy of being born again is due to the choice of faith
Believe and persevere on bravely with the practice
And be able to embrace your joy of rebirth today..

Min You, from Malaysia – JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center
I suffered from fatty liver for 20 years, medication did not help the situation and there was no improvement during the yearly medical check-ups. My doctor said he has no solution.
I started meditation in January 2016 and participated in the 8.5 days Health and Happiness Retreat and the chanting class at Bodhi Meditation Centre. In February 2017 this year, I went back to the hospital for a check-up again and my doctor actually told me that my liver had recovered and is normal now!
I also experienced another miracle. Last November, my head was hit by a metal plate at a shopping mall entrance. At that time, I felt vibration in my head and some pressure on the spine at the neck for a while. The next day, I had a very bad headache. The doctor said we had to wait for 3 months to see if my memory is affected or felt weird before deciding to have an x-ray taken. After this, my scalp started tingling and the back of the head felt like it did not stick to the skull. I felt my scalp was empty and my brain was blank frequently. My spine also felt more and more painful, more and more tight, as if something was pulling it. This feeling slowly extended to the shoulder, to the chest. I felt painful and had no strength to raise my head. When I lie down, I could not even raise my head.
When I practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my head felt hot and it was comfortable. At that time my daughter-in-law obtained a bunch of beads from the meditation center and gave it to me. I like to beautify myself and would wear the bunch of beads on my hands and neck. Unexpectedly, on the second day of wearing the beads, my spine felt unobstructed, without pain, I felt very relaxed.
After 2 months of practice, I don’t feel empty or have any tingling feelings anymore; my brain also does not go blank. It’s unbelievable that at 65 years old, I am still able to lead a healthier and happier life. All thanks to me meeting Bodhi Meditation and meeting Grandmaster JinBodhi.
I wish to share my gratitude and touching story with all of you. May you persevere on with life like me, not giving up but growing in confidence. To help ourselves and others in life.
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medication dosage without consulting the doctor.
Please follow the advice of the doctor.
#FattyLiver, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #MeditationJournal, #Reborn


若想不被人伺候,必須八卦天天走。 朋友們…

If you do not want to be waited upon by others, practice Energy Bagua daily.
My friends, keep up the momentum!!!
#EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity
If you do not want to be waited upon by others, practice Energy Bagua daily.
My friends, keep up the momentum!!!
#EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity


在溫哥華 慶中秋 . 人生的路不是一條筆…

在溫哥華 慶中秋



九年的中風終於恢復健康了 . 他是一個音…

我叫鐘紫山 ,來自馬來西亞,今年61歲。
課程第3天駕車來禪堂的路上,我決定等一下要嘗試著帶領大家背誦《金菩提聖經》。於是,我利用45分鐘的路程時間,嘗試背誦。真沒想我竟然全背下來了! 這是中風以後9年的時間裡,我第一次能夠完整記憶。當天下午,我咳出了一些帶有小顆粒的痰,很臭,但喉嚨卻感覺舒服了很多。
課程第 4 天, 折磨了我十多年的脖子僵硬和疼痛,竟然徹底改善完全輕鬆了!頭部轉動的幅度恢復正常了。這幾天我的睡眠時間減少了,可是每天起來都覺得精神飽滿。體重也在逐漸下降,到結業那天,共減掉4.6公斤。之前,我每天須服2次的降血糖藥,血糖還一直在7-9mmol/L 之間;可在課程期間,沒有服降血糖藥,血糖也沒有超過9mmol/L(編者注:菩提禪修不提倡自行停藥、減藥,請遵循醫囑)。

就在結業當天,我決定挑戰自己,重拾放下十多年的笛子為大家演奏,我挑戰成功了!我太開心了! 感恩金菩提宗師!我一定會繼續堅持修練。
#見證禪修、#馬來西亞、#中風、#菩提健身班、#八卦內功、#恢復健康、#快樂rnrn[Malaysia] Speedy recovery from the side effects of stroke of 9 years ago and a stiff neck that troubled him for more than a decade.

A music enthusiast was able to easily play his flute with melodious Bodhi music after giving up more than ten years ago. This music marked the end of pain and suffering for him, heralding a new life of good health. Here is the wonderful sharing of the meditation journey of Zhong Zi Shan.
My name is Zhong Zi Shan and I live in Malaysia. I am 61 years old. I suffered a stroke in 2008, but was fortunate to regain most of my mobility after treatment. But a blood clot, a size of a 50-cent coin remained in my brain, which affected the clarity of my thoughts and a deteriorating memory. I was very poor at remembering events that just happened. My speech also suffered as I could not seem to convey my meaning and I also stutter. The doctor told me that there was no medication that could improve my conditions effectively.

This year, I had the good fortune to come across the “Meditation and Health” magazine. I first signed up for Energy Bagua. After practicing it for a while, the benefits are good and I decided to proceed for the Health and Happiness retreat in Aug 2017, to deepen my understanding of Bodhi Meditation. From the second day, I felt a vast improvement in my energy level, and my thoughts also became more organized and clear.

As I was driving to the meditation center on the third day of the retreat, I decided to attempt to lead the class in reciting “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words”. I tried to memorize it during the 45 min drive, and the miracle happened – I was able to memorize all of it during that short period of time! This is the first time that I am able to memorize anything ever since the stroke 9 years ago. That afternoon, I coughed out some smelly phlegm that had some small particles in it, after which my throat felt very comfortable.
On the fourth day of the retreat, I experienced a vast improvement in my neck stiffness that had plagued me for more than a decade. I was finally able to relax fully! There was also an improvement in the degree to which I could turn my neck. I have been sleeping fewer hours this week, but each morning I felt more refreshed and energetic when I wake up. I also lost some weight – about 4.6kg by the end of the retreat. Before the class, I took medication twice a day to control my blood sugar level which hovered between 7-9mmol/L. During the retreat, I stopped my medication and yet my blood sugar level never exceeded 9mmol/L. (Editor’s note: Bodhi Meditation does not encourage students to stop or reduce dosage of medication without consulting the doctor. Please follow doctor’s instructions).
While we were watching Master’s “The Empowerment of Compassion”, I too experienced Master’s energy blessings. Tears ran down my cheeks, mucus flowed freely from my nose, and I felt what seemed like an electric current flowing within my head. This persisted for two days. I also noticed that the small red dots that were on my inner knees had also faded quite a bit after the energy blessing.

On the seventh day, I was able to sit cross-legged while chanting. Previously I was not able to sit cross-legged for a long period of time. While practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination in the afternoon, I coughed out more phlegm and felt a strong sense of comfort and relaxation in my throat after that.

From the start of the 8.5-day retreat, I went into spontaneous fasting for more than a week. I was not thirsty even though I had not drunk anything the whole day. I felt energetic without food or drink the whole duration. (Editor’s note: Spontaneous fasting is a natural occurrence in the process of meditation and cannot be self-imposed. During the fasting period, the practitioner would eat very little or not eat at all, yet he or she would not feel hungry or thirsty. The hours of sleep would also be reduced, yet he or she would feel energetic and at ease). After the retreat, friends around me also noticed that I have become more eloquent, my thoughts are clearer and my memory improved. Before meditation, I could never remember the melody of music pieces that sounded really familiar to me. Yet now, they are all starting to resurface in my memory. On the day of graduation, I took on a challenge to pick up the flute which I have stopped playing for more than a decade, and played a song for all my classmates. It was a success! I am filled with happiness!

I am deeply grateful to Master Jin Bodhi! And I stand in praise of the meditation methods taught by the master! I will definitely persevere in my practice!


中秋外傳—嫦娥也來走八卦?? . ….

Mid-autumn Legend—Chang’e (the lady in the moon-Chinese mythology) came to practice Energy Bagua??
A young junior high school disciple narrated his self-composed version of a Mid-Autumn story to me— The legend of Chang’e (Goddess of the Moon) and Energy Bagua. It is hilarious. As Mid-Autumn festival is near, let me share his story with you too.

As the story goes, Chang’e left her Moon palace for a stroll outside. She sighted Wu Gang sitting under the Osmanthus tree sipping Osmanthus wine, sighing while drinking.
Chang’e asked, “Why are you drowning your sorrows here?”
Wu Gang responded bitterly, “.. (sigh).. I have been living on the moon for thousands of years. Although being an immortal allows me to live forever, it is too cold here and now my limps are not as responsive as they used to be. Hence, I am more and more worried about my health as time passes.”
After listening to Wu Gang, Chang’e shared: “Although being a lady and having to stay on the Moon palace for a time not shorter than you, I am still full of vitality and my body feels light and graceful, completely not affected by the coldness and dampness on the Moon palace living each day and happily flying around”.
Wu Gang looked confused and asked, ”Fairy sister, how did you do it? Can you share with me your secret?”
Chang’e, “Sure, as long as you persevere on like me and practice Energy Bagua round the Osmanthus tree daily, I believe you can also be as healthy as me.”
Wu Gang looked surprised, “So that is the secret. Elder sister Chang’e, are you full of energy like the Osmanthus tree then?”
Chang’e swung her long elegant sleeves, and with a voice as strong as the wind, answered, “That’s of course!” I’d lived in the Moon palace for a long time. It is damp and cold, causing rheumatism, sore and aching limbs, bodily chills and fear of the cold, especially at my hands and feet. Also, I’d left my husband for so many years. I miss Hou Yi dearly, and this made me unhappy and depressed. I had lapsed into illness, and it left me full of ailments. The Jade Rabbit was worried for my health and prepared medicine for me daily, such as rheumatism pills, vitality pills, and mood pills. I was on all these medication for many years, but with little result. Later, I learned about Bodhi Meditation Energy Bagua. Every morning, I would practice for an hour, and am now free from all the diseases. I feel most energetic and with much vigor and even my mood has improved. The Jade Rabbit need not exhaust itself to prepare all the medicine now. It can play with me all day long and I am so happy now.”
Upon hearing these remarks, Wu Gang gave his thigh a pat and exclaimed, “Energy Bagua is excellent! I want to learn too. Elder Sister Chang, please teach me quickly!”
Note: “The tree absorbs the energy from heaven and earth, the essence of the universe, so it has strong energy. As you walk around the tree daily, communicating with its energy, I believe you can also be as healthy.”
#MidAutumnFestival, #Humor, #EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity


?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ? . …

?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ?
大家期待已久的「八卦英雄獎,獎落誰家?」今天終於揭曉答案啦!! ???
1⃣ 請得獎者與您的「所屬禪堂」聯繫,並出示此篇公告領獎,獎品將會統一寄到您的所屬禪堂。(未出示此篇公告領獎者,需出示臉書帳號,證明為投稿得獎者。)
3⃣未完成授權者,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。
? ? ?「八卦英雄帖」得獎名單如下: ? ? ?
馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_千人八卦



馬來西亞_龍泉禪堂 (68則投稿)
馬來西亞_妙法禪堂 (65則投稿)
北美 加拿大_多倫多禪堂 (37則投稿)
1.馬來西亞 妙法禪堂_美佳樂八卦點

2. 紐約 菩提八卦日_自由女神

3.馬來西亞 胖熊帶您走八卦

4.馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_加埔八卦點

5.紐約 曬八卦點_堅持走八卦

6.台灣 嘉義_興嘉公園八卦_81歲倉瞻師兄

7.香港 觀塘健身中心_七天八卦內功活動

8.韓國 安山禪堂_小朋友也來共修了


10.台灣 台中 念醒_走八卦的奇遇

11.美國 白蓮禪堂_歡樂八卦

12.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦家庭聚會

13.美國 灣區_Fremont伊麗莎白湖八卦點

14.台灣 台南隆生禪堂_八卦戶外弘法

15.美國 白蓮禪堂_海邊一日遊

16.馬來西亞 淡邊八卦點_400多位師兄姐們一起走八卦和享用早餐


17.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦點

18.台灣 臺北禪堂_世杰_期待與師父一起走八卦

19.澳大利亞 冬季八卦


21.馬來西亞 檳城_發林八卦點_150多人走八卦

22.馬來西亞 曹榮安(瑉湛)的故事_踏上攝影新旅程

23.馬來西亞 芙蓉禪堂_我和八卦內功的不解之緣

24.馬來西亞 寶靈禪堂_越南船上八卦

25.紐約 富茶 Kristen_收穫自信人生

26.紐約 金持徹_不負自己不負卿

27.印尼 曬八卦點_2016年的八卦豐收

28.韓國 青年八卦

29.溫哥華 加拿大禪堂_『八卦內功』班

30.緬甸 文化瘋八卦


? Winners of the [Energy Bagua Hero Award]

The results are finally out!

Who are the winners of the Energy Bagua Hero award? The long awaited results are finally out today!!

I truly appreciate the overwhelming response and enthusiasm in the participation of the “Energy Bagua heroes activities”. Submissions have poured in from all over the world, with practitioners sharing their fascinating stories ranging wide in content and variety. It turns out, behind every Bagua story, that there are touching and warm moments which we would not have witnessed if not for this activity. Your hard work will also be reflected in your health and touching moments you experienced. I truly believe that your perspiration under the hot sun will bring sparkle and move people. Thank you everyone for putting effort towards your health and for your love ones. May the blessings of Bodhisattva be omnipresent. I praise and cheer for you. With this, the Energy Bagua contribution activity has come to an end. Congratulations for all outstanding works. Thank you for all your participation and efforts which already made you winners in my heart.

As an encouragement to all participants, I have added a few additional special awards to the original top three prizes. “Energy Bagua hero special awards” list has 30 winners. I hope this will serve as an inspiration to our practitioners. I hope everyone will do their best to become winners of their own lives and be the healthiest and happiest people.

Notes to all who won a prize:
1. Please contact your Meditation Center and show this post to collect your prize. Your prize will be sent to your Meditation Center. You need to show your Facebook account as proof.
2. You need to complete personal release authorization in writing to give consent to the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs to be accompanied with proof of written authorization through text messages screenshots or authorization in writing.
3. Work submitted with incomplete authorization in writing will not be shared or shown on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page even if it has won a prize. If there are any queries on copyright issues, feel free to contact the teachers from your Meditation Center to inquire.

“Energy Bagua hero posts” winners are as follows:
Winners from the Individual category (Top 3)
Congratulation for winning a blessed bracelet each.
1st prize

Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center -Thousand people Energy Bagua

2nd prize
Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

3rd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

【Top 3 Meditation Center with the most submissions】
Congratulation for winning a blessed vase each
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center (68 submissions)
2nd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (65 submissions)
3rd prize
Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center (37 submissions)
(Top 5 Meditation Center with the most submissions :1.Dragon Spring 68, 2. Fine Dharma 65, 3.Toronto 37, 4.New York 29, 5. Kepong 15)

【Special Awards】— 30 winners—
Congratulations for receiving a mystery gift each
《Magnificent Grandeur》
1. Malaysia, Fine Dharma- Megah Ria Energy Bagua

2. New York – Mrs. Liberty

3. Malaysia – Energy Bagua with the bear

《Never Give Up》
4. Malaysia, Dragon Spring – Kapar Energy Bagua

5. New York – Bensonhurst Park – persevere in the practice

6. Taiwan Chiayi – 81 year old Cangzhan

7. HK, Kwun Tong- 7 days Energy Bagua activity

《Best Energy Bagua child and youth award》
8. Korea, Ansan -children join in the practice

9. Canada, Toronto – Awakening Wisdom class sharing

10. Taiwan, Taichung – Awake to the happy encounters of Energy Bagua

11.USA, Bailian – Merriment Energy Bagua

《Harmonious Award》
12. Malaysia, Kepong – Bagua Family Day

13.USA, Bay Area _Fremont

14. Taiwan, Tainan – Outdoor Energy Bagua Teaching

15. USA, Bailian – A day at the beach

16. Malaysia, Tampin – 400 over enjoying Energy Bagua and breakfast


《The thousand graces of Bagua》
17. Malaysia , Kapong – Energy Bagua

18. Taiwan , Taipei – Shijie – looking forward to practice Energy Bagua with her dad

19. Australia – Winter Energy Bagua

《Encouraging prize 》
20. USA San Francisco & Bailian joint production – introduction to various practice Centers at the Bay Area.

21. Malaysia , Penang- 150+ people practicing Energy Bagua

22. Malaysia- story of Rong-an Cao stepping into a journey on photography

23. Malaysia, Seremban – My affinity with Energy Bagua

24. Malaysia , Baoling – Energy Bagua on a Vietnamese Boat

25. New York, Kristen- reap a life of confidence

26. New York, Chiche Jin

27. Indonesia – rewards from year 2016 Energy Bagua

28. Korea – Youth Energy Bagua

29. Canada, Vancouver – Energy Bagua Class

30. Myanmer – Rich culture Energy Bagua

Congratulations to all the lucky winners! If you do not see your favorite work here, you are welcome to recommend them to me. As delivery of prizes may take some time, please be patient while waiting for notice.

Finally, wishing everyone wins the biggest prize: biggest blessing, always stay healthy and happy!

#EnergBaguaHero Posts, #ListO f Winners, #Winners, #EnergyBaguaPracticeSite, #Healthy, #Happy #Longevityrnrn?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ?
大家期待已久的「八卦英雄獎,獎落誰家?」今天終於揭曉答案啦!! ???
1⃣ 請得獎者與您的「所屬禪堂」聯繫,並出示此篇公告領獎,獎品將會統一寄到您的所屬禪堂。(未出示此篇公告領獎者,需出示臉書帳號,證明為投稿得獎者。)
3⃣未完成授權者,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。
? ? ?「八卦英雄帖」得獎名單如下: ? ? ?
馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_千人八卦



馬來西亞_龍泉禪堂 (68則投稿)
馬來西亞_妙法禪堂 (65則投稿)
北美 加拿大_多倫多禪堂 (37則投稿)
1.馬來西亞 妙法禪堂_美佳樂八卦點

2. 紐約 菩提八卦日_自由女神

3.馬來西亞 胖熊帶您走八卦

4.馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_加埔八卦點

5.紐約 曬八卦點_堅持走八卦

6.台灣 嘉義_興嘉公園八卦_81歲倉瞻師兄

7.香港 觀塘健身中心_七天八卦內功活動

8.韓國 安山禪堂_小朋友也來共修了


10.台灣 台中 念醒_走八卦的奇遇

11.美國 白蓮禪堂_歡樂八卦

12.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦家庭聚會

13.美國 灣區_Fremont伊麗莎白湖八卦點

14.台灣 台南隆生禪堂_八卦戶外弘法

15.美國 白蓮禪堂_海邊一日遊

16.馬來西亞 淡邊八卦點_400多位師兄姐們一起走八卦和享用早餐


17.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦點

18.台灣 臺北禪堂_世杰_期待與師父一起走八卦

19.澳大利亞 冬季八卦


21.馬來西亞 檳城_發林八卦點_150多人走八卦

22.馬來西亞 曹榮安(瑉湛)的故事_踏上攝影新旅程

23.馬來西亞 芙蓉禪堂_我和八卦內功的不解之緣

24.馬來西亞 寶靈禪堂_越南船上八卦

25.紐約 富茶 Kristen_收穫自信人生

26.紐約 金持徹_不負自己不負卿

27.印尼 曬八卦點_2016年的八卦豐收

28.韓國 青年八卦

29.溫哥華 加拿大禪堂_『八卦內功』班

30.緬甸 文化瘋八卦


? Winners of the [Energy Bagua Hero Award]

The results are finally out!

Who are the winners of the Energy Bagua Hero award? The long awaited results are finally out today!!

I truly appreciate the overwhelming response and enthusiasm in the participation of the “Energy Bagua heroes activities”. Submissions have poured in from all over the world, with practitioners sharing their fascinating stories ranging wide in content and variety. It turns out, behind every Bagua story, that there are touching and warm moments which we would not have witnessed if not for this activity. Your hard work will also be reflected in your health and touching moments you experienced. I truly believe that your perspiration under the hot sun will bring sparkle and move people. Thank you everyone for putting effort towards your health and for your love ones. May the blessings of Bodhisattva be omnipresent. I praise and cheer for you. With this, the Energy Bagua contribution activity has come to an end. Congratulations for all outstanding works. Thank you for all your participation and efforts which already made you winners in my heart.

As an encouragement to all participants, I have added a few additional special awards to the original top three prizes. “Energy Bagua hero special awards” list has 30 winners. I hope this will serve as an inspiration to our practitioners. I hope everyone will do their best to become winners of their own lives and be the healthiest and happiest people.

Notes to all who won a prize:
1. Please contact your Meditation Center and show this post to collect your prize. Your prize will be sent to your Meditation Center. You need to show your Facebook account as proof.
2. You need to complete personal release authorization in writing to give consent to the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs to be accompanied with proof of written authorization through text messages screenshots or authorization in writing.
3. Work submitted with incomplete authorization in writing will not be shared or shown on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page even if it has won a prize. If there are any queries on copyright issues, feel free to contact the teachers from your Meditation Center to inquire.

“Energy Bagua hero posts” winners are as follows:
Winners from the Individual category (Top 3)
Congratulation for winning a blessed bracelet each.
1st prize

Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center -Thousand people Energy Bagua

2nd prize
Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

3rd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

【Top 3 Meditation Center with the most submissions】
Congratulation for winning a blessed vase each
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center (68 submissions)
2nd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (65 submissions)
3rd prize
Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center (37 submissions)
(Top 5 Meditation Center with the most submissions :1.Dragon Spring 68, 2. Fine Dharma 65, 3.Toronto 37, 4.New York 29, 5. Kepong 15)

【Special Awards】— 30 winners—
Congratulations for receiving a mystery gift each
《Magnificent Grandeur》
1. Malaysia, Fine Dharma- Megah Ria Energy Bagua

2. New York – Mrs. Liberty

3. Malaysia – Energy Bagua with the bear

《Never Give Up》
4. Malaysia, Dragon Spring – Kapar Energy Bagua

5. New York – Bensonhurst Park – persevere in the practice

6. Taiwan Chiayi – 81 year old Cangzhan

7. HK, Kwun Tong- 7 days Energy Bagua activity

《Best Energy Bagua child and youth award》
8. Korea, Ansan -children join in the practice

9. Canada, Toronto – Awakening Wisdom class sharing

10. Taiwan, Taichung – Awake to the happy encounters of Energy Bagua

11.USA, Bailian – Merriment Energy Bagua

《Harmonious Award》
12. Malaysia, Kepong – Bagua Family Day

13.USA, Bay Area _Fremont

14. Taiwan, Tainan – Outdoor Energy Bagua Teaching

15. USA, Bailian – A day at the beach

16. Malaysia, Tampin – 400 over enjoying Energy Bagua and breakfast


《The thousand graces of Bagua》
17. Malaysia , Kapong – Energy Bagua

18. Taiwan , Taipei – Shijie – looking forward to practice Energy Bagua with her dad

19. Australia – Winter Energy Bagua

《Encouraging prize 》
20. USA San Francisco & Bailian joint production – introduction to various practice Centers at the Bay Area.

21. Malaysia , Penang- 150+ people practicing Energy Bagua

22. Malaysia- story of Rong-an Cao stepping into a journey on photography

23. Malaysia, Seremban – My affinity with Energy Bagua

24. Malaysia , Baoling – Energy Bagua on a Vietnamese Boat

25. New York, Kristen- reap a life of confidence

26. New York, Chiche Jin

27. Indonesia – rewards from year 2016 Energy Bagua

28. Korea – Youth Energy Bagua

29. Canada, Vancouver – Energy Bagua Class

30. Myanmer – Rich culture Energy Bagua

Congratulations to all the lucky winners! If you do not see your favorite work here, you are welcome to recommend them to me. As delivery of prizes may take some time, please be patient while waiting for notice.

Finally, wishing everyone wins the biggest prize: biggest blessing, always stay healthy and happy!

#EnergBaguaHero Posts, #ListO f Winners, #Winners, #EnergyBaguaPracticeSite, #Healthy, #Happy #Longevity


一路相伴,感謝有您??? . ?臉書粉絲…

? 歡喜 感恩 熱鬧滾滾滾……
金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi粉絲頁於2015年10月份成立至今,短短不到兩年時間,粉絲數已突破200萬人!!!
Thank you for accompanying us on this journey.
Our fan base on Facebook has already broke through 2,000,000 people..
With happiness, gratitude and much fanfare……Master Jin Bodhi’s fan page that was established on October 2015, has now exceeded 2 million followers in less than two years!!!
Thank you so much!! With every friend’s appreciation and encouragement, ‘likes’ and enthusiastic sharings, there are now more than 2,000 new global friends joining us daily on my fan page. Due to all your efforts at managing the portal all this while, I have friends who join us from more than 60 countries and regions worldwide. Both new and old friends from all over the world share not only a variety of interesting happenings with me; they also help promote Bodhi Meditation’s culture, and integrate it into their lives. It is heartening to see everyone has experienced physical and psychological benefits, and has happily introduced their friends and family to join us for health and happiness – this is my basis for this platform, and my mission to bring health and happiness to everyone.
Going forward, whether you are an old friend or a new one, I hope everyone continues to support my Facebook page, engage enthusiastically and help share you advice.
Wishing all great health, prosperity and peace!.
#ThankYouForYourSupport, #Joy, #Grateful, #2MillionLikes, #Healthy, #Happy



⭐️第一名 神秘禮物
⭐️第二名 加持法物–手串一條
⭐️第三名 八卦內功練習音樂CD一張
⭐️⭐️⭐️投稿最多的禪堂,還可能獲得大獎「 ?寶瓶一只獎勵 ?」
1⃣ 需完成授權手續,(作品中之肖像權、智慧財產權等,授權於菩提禪修使用)。投稿作品相關之視頻、圖片授權憑證。(文字信息截圖或紙本簽署)
2⃣未完成授權者,雖入圍參與投票競賽,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。

1.龍泉禪堂 千人八卦

2.芙蓉禪堂 我和八卦内功的不解之缘

3.緬甸 文化瘋八卦

4.新加坡 八卦博士

5.印尼 曬八卦點

6.印尼 曬八卦點

7.韓國 青年八卦

8.寶靈禪堂 越南船上八卦

9.台灣台中 圖文分享_悟
10.紐約 圖文分享_收穫自信人生

11.紐約 圖文分享_不负自己不负卿

12.妙法禪堂 820家庭日

13.溫哥華 第五十一期八卦班側記

#八卦英雄、#八卦內功、#票選、#得大獎、#健康、#快樂rnrn【Who are our Winners of the Energy Bagua Hero contest?】 Voting commences now by clicking on “Like”!???
Each “Like” is one vote, each vote represent a gift of love, vote to select your favorite entry.
(Please go to point number 5 voting area to vote now!)
We received huge response for this contest, receiving so many various submissions, from photos and videos, testimonial sharing and interesting stories from our warm practitioners. Within a month, we have received about 400 entries with interesting content and capture.
Thanks to all Energy Bagua practitioners worldwide for your efforts. I am very happy to see Energy Bagua flourishing in different parts of the world, being introduced by our Bodhi practitioners globally. Evident from the submissions, many people gain health and happiness from ?Energy Bagua?. Looking at the happy faces in the photographs and videos, I can actually sense the happy atmosphere.
??It is not easy for me to select some of the top most creative entries from such excellent submissions. Hence, I share them here for everyone to vote. I welcome you to share with your facebook friends to garner more votes for yourself or for your favorite entry by clicking on “like”!??
???Welcome all to actively participate in the voting, top three voters can expect to receive mysterious gifts!
1) ⏰Voting time⏰:
From now till September 10, 2017 (Sunday )
2) How to vote:
i) Please click on the below [voting site] to view and the top 13 entries that made it into the finals. You can give your sacred vote by clicking on the “like” button for your favorite entry. You can vote multiple times before the closing date but please choose carefully.

ii) Netizens are given 1 week to vote. The entries with the highest votes or ‘likes’ will receive the top 3 prizes.
3) ?Superior quality prizes up for grabs!?
Top 3 entries (Personal Group category):
⭐️First prize: Mysterious gift
⭐️Second prize: Specially blessed bracelet
⭐️Third prize: One “Daily Guide to Energy Bagua Practice” CD
???Newly added “Special Prize” to be announce together with the winners.
⭐️⭐️⭐️Bodhi Meditation centers with the most number of submitted entries stand to gain a big prize [?A specially blessed vase as encouragement?]⭐️⭐️⭐️
4. Important points to note for entries that made it into the finals
i) It is essential to complete personal release authorization by writing to authorize the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs- Please provide proof of written authorization through text message screenshots or paper authorization in writing.
ii) Entries that made it into the finals are eligible for voting, however, if personal release authorization in writing were not properly completed, entries would not be posted on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s fan page for sharing.
5. ?Voting area ?(13 excellent entries, complete your vote by clicking on “like”)
All the entries are interesting and you definitely have to go through them all.
1. Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation center (Thousand people Energy Bagua)


2. Seremban Bodhi Meditation Center (The indissoluble bound I share with Energy Bagua)


3. Myanmar (Cultural Energy Bagua)


4. Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

5. Indonesia

6. Indonesia

7. Korea (Youth Bagua)

8. Dragon Spring Bodhi Meditation center (Energy Bagua on a Vietnam Boat)

9. Taiwan Taichung (Photo sharing -Wu)
10. New York (Photo sharing – Gotten Self-Confidence)

11. NewYork (not letting anyone down)

12. JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

13. Vancouver (Record from 51 Energy Bagua Class)

May all walk away with great prizes and gain great health and happiness!
#EnergyBaguaHero, #EnergyBagua, #Vote, #Prize, #GoodHealth, #Happiness,


我有救了!—— 「睡夢殺手」得到改善 ….

我有救了!—— 「睡夢殺手」得到改善

There is hope for me — Rid of Sleep Apnea (Death Trigger In Sleep).

Sleep Apnea is an illness that may cause one to stop breathing whilst asleep. It can also lead to high blood pressure and potential heart attacks. Presently, there is no medical cure for Sleep Apnea and when serious, it is necessary for patients to use breathing apparatus during sleep.

Despite this, a student resolved his sleep apnea, a life threatening illness, in less than 108 days. He also cleansed his body of toxins. All these happened without medication. So, what magical method did he use?

Share with your friends if you like this. The more you share, the more you benefit!!

#SleepApnea, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #Testimonial, #MeditationJournal, #Confidence

From the video:
Bodhi Meditation gave me a second chance at life.
My name is Zhiyuan Su and my Dharma name is Dongbing.
I suffered from several illnesses and have Sleep Apnea.
In my routine medical checks, the average times I stopped breathing per hour was 28.8 times.
According to my doctor, if the frequency reaches 30 times per hour, it is considered serious.
Presently, there is no medical cure for Sleep Apnea.
Based on my conditions, my doctor advised me to put on breathing apparatus when I sleep. I also suffer from heartburn (or acid reflux) and have breathing problems.

When I came to Bodhi Meditation, I practice Energy Bagua.
My blood pressure, cholesterol level and kidney function index used to be borderline high, indicating poor condition of internal organ functions.

After 2 weeks of Energy Bagua practice, my blood pressure dropped from 148 to 110.
I was diligent with my daily checks and scheduled my annual health checks in November.
Before I completed the 108 days of Energy Bagua practice, I went for a check-up and noticed that, apart from a lower blood pressure, my cholesterol level also reduced from 6.2mmol/L to 5.8 mmol/L. Kidney function indicators improved from my usual high of 112umol/L to 108 umol/L, which is below the normal standard level of 109umol/L.
I was exhilarated and full of confidence! I’m saved!
My Energy Bagua teacher used to tell us that Energy Bagua practice can rid our body of accumulated toxins and increase our body immunity to give us a fresh start to good health.
During the process of healing, my whole body was covered with spots like German Measles from head to toe, growing in size to that of Leopard spots and it worries me.
I also noticed snow flake-like stuff like dandruff, appeared all over my head.
Despite washing my hair regularly, it was hard to get rid of them.
Eventually, when the skin started to peel, I realized that I was undergoing a detoxification process.
Now, I feel good and confident. After a month of detoxification, my body feels good and I am free from Sleep Apnea.
All these benefits are results of my Bodhi Meditation practices.
It can benefit the public. Hopefully, more will come to Bodhi Meditation and thereafter, share their testimonials to those who are still not aware of Bodhi Meditation.
I’ve attained good health, many thanks to Bodhi Meditation.
There are many people who are troubled with illnesses and it is my wish that more can benefit from Bodhi Meditation and gain good health, and share their testimonials too.

Once you practice Bodhi Meditation
You’ll feel the physiological, psychological and spiritual improvements
You’ll feel free and healthy
—Jin Bodhi Master
