【首次推出】八卦內功練習音樂CD (Ne…

(New release) Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide music CD


1. youtube鏈接:
2. 菩提禪修官網下載鏈接
3. 八卦內功音樂試聽版鏈接:

(New release) Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide music CD
Energy Bagua is gaining popularity around the world. To help all practitioners gain an in-depth experience on the spirit of Energy Bagua and to reach the realm of becoming as one with the Universe, I have personally recorded a music CD for the practice of Energy Bagua. This is one of the teaching material for Energy Bagua, I welcome everyone to join me in the practice.
Please follow me…
Greet the morning sun with delight, stroll under the moonlight in peace
I am the tree and the tree is me, be at peace and feel the light.
Become one with the moon and stars, communicate with the mountains, rivers and the vast land.
One round after another, experience the wonders of Energy Bagua,
blend in with the nature between heaven and Earth…
How do you purchase the CD?
The Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide is available at all Bodhi Meditation Centers around the world. If you wish to contact Global Bodhi Meditation Centers for further information, you may do so at:

Worldwide Centers

Trial version in audio, video, download and live stream are available as follows:
1) Youtube link: https://youtu.be/1mc74NqGk7o
2) Bodhi Meditation official website download link: https://www.puti.org/en/energybagua/
3) For Energy Bagua trial music link: https://soundcloud.com/mi7w3hivloxe/1a-1
Welcome to share and disseminate this piece of good news with your friends and family members, the more you share, the more blessings you will receive~.
#EnergyBaguaTeachingMaterial, #EnergyBaguaDailyPracticeGuide, #EnergyBaguaTrialVersion,#RisingSun, #MasterJinBodhi
