【八卦内功 身心健康之道_中】 ───你…

【八卦内功 身心健康之道_中】
1.八卦內功課程教學 https://www.puti.org/ch/?s=%E5%85%AB%E5%8D%A6
2..到慈悲音網購 https://www.cibeiyin.com/bagua
#生命能量 #健康長壽 #貴在堅持 #手腳不再冰冷

【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness, Part 2】
Your must-read to the secret to good health and longevity!

The secret to good health and longevity is: [ Time+ Method= Good health and longevity ].

Through practicing Energy Bagua, we can replenish our body’s energy quickly to strengthen our body, lose weight, boost immunity system and alleviate cold body constitution. These in turn will enable us to live a long life!

Energy Bagua is a fast and comprehensive wellness practice method. Hence I highly recommend it to you. However, do bear in mind you need to persevere in your practice for an extended period of time before you can see its effect. Given a good methodology and sufficient time spent, you will enjoy good health and longevity.

So, how do we overcome the obstacles in our self-cultivation path? The answer lies in perseverance.

I welcome all to join me in 【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness, Part 2】
. May all be filled with energy, and blessed with good health and longevity.
To understand more about Energy Bagua, please click ??
1. Energy Bagua Class https://www.puti.org/en/?s=Energy+Bagua
2. Purchase at Cibeiyin web portal https://www.cibeiyin.com/

#EnergyBaguaBringsYouWellnessPart2, #EnergyBaguaBringsYouWellness, #LifeVitality, #HealthyAndLongevity, #Perseverance, #Persistence, #LimbsNoLongerCold


【八卦内功 身心健康之道_上】 ───人…

【八卦内功 身心健康之道_上】
1.八卦內功課程教學 https://www.puti.org/ch/?s=%E5%85%AB%E5%8D%A6
2..到慈悲音網購 https://www.cibeiyin.com/bagua
#生命能量 #健康長壽

【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness, Part 1】
– the secret to robust legs as we advance in age, is it necessary to practice daily to enjoy longevity?

As the saying goes, “the tree withers at its roots first; (similarly) as we age, our legs weaken first”.
How could we solve this bothersome issue that had persisted over centuries?

The ‘legs’ are the most utilized part of our body, and bear the most load. If we do not pay attention to maintenance of leg health, early deterioration due to excessive strain naturally results.

Medical research shows that, “..our legs account for 50% of the nerves, 50% of the blood vessels, and 50% of the blood” as a proportion of the body. Thus, it can be seen that the legs and our general health share a very close relationship.

Therefore, if we want to live healthily and enjoy a long life, the health of the legs and our feet is the first step.
So how do we maintain our legs and even nurse our legs back to health?

I welcome everyone to join me to learn about Energy Bagua and the way to health and happiness. Here, we would discuss about the benefits of Energy Bagua, including its exceptional effects.

I wish that everyone is blessed with bountiful energy, joy, health, and longevity!

To learn more about Energy Bagua, please click ???

1. Energy Bagua Class https://www.puti.org/en/?s=Energy+Bagua
2. Purchase at Cibeiyin web portal https://www.cibeiyin.com/

#EnergyBaguaBringsYouWellness, #LifeVitality, #HealthAndLongevity


【週六網路共修預告】學會快樂面對生活 ….

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2018年3月10日,上午9:00開始 
【Notice on Online Global Group Practice on Saturday】Learn to be Happy in Life
It is easy to be happy. Everyone wants to have a happy, prosperous and healthy life, free from worries!
In reality however, we are easily troubled and unhappy over trivial matters. We find fault with everything and may even think the whole world as our enemy. This affects our health and eventually, we fall sick and become even more troubled…..
Once, a female practitioner complained of a stomachache after a meal because she was arguing with her boyfriend while eating. From my experience, it is important to have a happy composure regardless whether we are preparing our meals at home or while eating them.
When we are narrow-minded, gossips abound and we end up with more suffering. Even though we may be very intelligent, we can never be happy if we are narrow- minded.
On the contrary, if we work, eat and treat friends and family members positively and also maintain a happy mindset, we will naturally enjoy a healthy and happy life even when things or people are not in our favor. When our hearts are bright with sunshine without dark clouds, we will live a healthy and long life. We will then become the happiest and most fortunate person in the world.
I welcome all to join me this coming Saturday to discuss how we can live our life with a happy and open heart and fill our lives with brilliant sunshine!!
May all lead a healthy, happy and long life!
You are welcomed to share this post.
? More sharing; more blessings!!?
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Mar 10, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Mar 10, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Mar 9, 2017 at 20:00hrs
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Mar 9, 2017 at 17:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Mar 10, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Mar 10, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Mar 10, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Mar 10, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Mar 10, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Mar 10, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#FaceLifeWithHappiness, #HappyHeart, #HealthyAndLongevity, #InspirationFromSkiing, #GlobalGroupPracticeNotice


《2018新春_菩提交好運》 教你怎麼消…

2018新年即將要來臨了,在新舊年交替的時節,也是「轉運、改運、化煞、消災」等的最佳時機,咱們在新年若有了好的起始,就會平安、吉祥一整年。 以下是我給大家教授的,如何趁這吉祥年氣「交好運、轉轉運」的方法,簡單而且效果非常卓越,一起來試試看吧!


1) 犯太歲的五大生肖,需注意什麼?

2) 2017菩提交好運: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47303&rpid=527441&ordertype=0&page=1#pid527441
3) 菩提效果: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/
全球菩提禪堂連繫信息: https://www.puti.org/ch/worldwide-centers
菩提效果: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/
#菩提交好運、#佛前點燈、#加持寶物、#行善、#做功德、#紅色曼陀羅化境、#吉祥、#富貴吉祥、#健康長壽rnrn《2018 Spring Festival – Bodhi’s way to good fortune》
Ways to eradicate calamities, neutralize adversities, and secure auspiciousness.
2018 Lunar New Year is approaching and the transition represents an excellent opportunity to turn around, or change one’s fortune as well as neutralize adversities or eradicate calamities. When we enter the New Year with a good head start, we will be safe and auspicious for the whole year. Here are some pointers I would like to share on “securing good luck; turning around the fortune” so that you can capitalize on and enjoy an auspicious year – simple and with very remarkable effects – let’s all try it!
Bodhi Meditation has three tips for attracting good fortune …
First, offering Lights and venerate the Buddha: Offering lights before the Buddha illuminates our path to a good future!
「Light」is symbolic of brilliance and wisdom. When we offer lights to Buddha, we light up Buddha’s countenance and body and this will in turn brighten our body and mind.
Come with family and friends to Bodhi Meditation Centers, pay respects, prostrate, and offer a light to the Buddha. As you offer illumination before the eyes of the Buddha, you also brighten your future, so let’s sincerely offer our prayers together with our loved ones for blessings.
Secondly, perform more meritorious deeds: doing more good deeds and accumulating merits bring good luck and bountiful harvests!
You are welcome to volunteer in Bodhi Meditation activities or help the less fortunate whenever you can. The fastest way for us to quickly eradicate and overcome conflict or clashes related to our year of birth and life’s adversities and negative magnetic field is through performing meritorious deeds and accumulating merits.
Thirdly, wear specially blessed precious items from great enlightened cultivators: be in the aura of auspiciousness and protection!
During this Lunar New Year period, we have also prepared some specially blessed auspicious items. These blessed items represent the huge blessings of Buddha and Bodhisattvas and contain strong auspicious energy. When we wear these blessed and auspicious items, we will gain blessings from Buddha and Bodhisattvas of the Eastern Land of Lapis Lazuli so as to eradicate our calamities and obstacles.
⭐⭐⭐Tips to better luck⭐⭐⭐
Do you want to prosper in wealth and luck and be successful in your career, marriage, academic or political pursuits?
If you do, regardless which method you choose to seek for blessings, just remember the key lies in having a sincere heart – earnestly venerate the Buddha, sincerely make offerings, and have genuine faith that your aspirations are smoothly fulfilled, completed and auspicious.
After reading what I have just shared, do you have a better idea how you can go about transforming your luck for the upcoming New Year?
It is actually very easy to attract good fortune, you just need to follow my instructions and you will be rewarded with a bumper harvest….
Contact Information for Global Bodhi Meditation Centres: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/
Bodhi Meditation Website: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47303&rpid=527441&ordertype=0&page=1#pid527441
Bodhi Meditation Testimonials: https://www.putixiaoguo.com
#BodhiGainGoodLuck, #OfferLightBeforeBuddha, #BlessedTreasures, #PerformCharitableDeeds, #AccumulateMerits, #RedMandala, #Auspicious, #ProsperityAndAuspicious, #HealthyAndLongevity


如何化解一切煩惱和疾病? . . 慈悲心…

How to overcome troubling thoughts and illnesses?
Guided by compassion, our heart broadens to become more magnanimous, just like the sea. Regardless of how dirty the water is, the sea will never stop water from flowing into it. This acceptance and tolerance is similar to Buddha’s great compassion.
A lot of illnesses stem from one’s heart, subconscious mind and judgement. A person of compassion will not get hurt easily. For instance, if one is being scolded: “You are as stupid as a pig”, some may think: “Pigs are actually very adorable animals”. With a smile, these people turn around and forget about the incident. On the contrary, some may become furious and even get into a fight.
We must use a compassionate and magnanimous heart to tolerate and accept everything. Even though we may not really be compassionate to start with, we can overcome mental obstacles and troubles if we always harbour kind thoughts. When we are free from worries, we will not fall sick. Most of our body’s tumors stem from worries and troubling thoughts.
Anger and greed are the greatest causes of tumors in women’s breast. Tumors are actually external growth that result from oppressed emotions. One will only be free from troubling thoughts, sufferings and illnesses when one’s heart is broad and open. Once the door of longevity is opened, all illnesses will disappear.
Therefore (compassion) coupled with (Self-cultivation and positive karmic merits) will enable us to lead a healthy, peaceful and happy life.
Today let us discuss in (Guide to Meditation )- Part 3 how we can trigger and open the door to happiness and good health.
May all gain compassion, health, auspiciousness and happiness!
Like to encourage, share to support.
If you like this post, please share. The more you share, the more blessings you receive!!
#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #GuideToMeditationPart3, #GreatCompassion, #GuideToGoodHealth, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #HealthyAnfLongevity


健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye ….

2012年5月,我突然間無法行走,經醫生檢查後被診斷出有2節腰椎軟骨壞死,壓迫了坐骨神經線,導致我的雙腿無力,不能站立,更沒法步行,需要以輪椅代步! 有時腰痛起來就連打針也不能緩解疼痛,上下床都沒辦法。
清明祭祖活動後,我每天早上9:30 到中午12:30 ,到禪堂修練「無量大光明修持法」和念佛。到了第2個星期,我感覺雙腿比以前有力了,我可以自己扶著輪椅慢慢走到禪堂了!
短短3週,我恢復了行走能力,擺脫了5年的輪椅生活,真的非常開心!我做夢也想不到,我龍碧雲的雙腿,竟然可以康復! 感謝這5年來家人的照顧及關心!感謝交來禪堂所有的義工們像家人一樣的關懷和鼓勵!感恩金菩提宗師!
Regained health & bided farewell to my wheelchair of 5 years

For most of us who can walk normally, it is impossible to understand those who spend their days on the wheelchair. For 5 years, she could only rely on the wheelchair for mobility. Luckily there was a miracle, and within a short span of 3 weeks, she overcame her immobility and no longer relied upon the wheelchair. What is this amazing and true story about? Let us hear her story..
Testimonial from Malaysia

In May 2012, I suddenly could not walk. The doctor’s examination revealed that I was stricken with lumbar cartilage necrosis in 2 vertebrae, and compression of the sciatic nerves. This resulted in weakness in both legs. I could not stand, much less walk, and had to rely on the wheelchair to move about! At times when the backache acted up, even injections were useless in relieving the pain, and I could not shift from my bed.

Over the next two years, western medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and orthopedics; I tried them all, but none was of use to my condition. Surgery was recommended by western doctors, but the risk was high, with disability or death as high as 50%. Having discussed with my family, I decided not to undergo surgery. Despite exhausting my lifetime savings, cure was not in sight, and my confidence eroded. Since 2014, I’d abandoned all treatments.

I used to be active, but due to the illness I had to rely on the wheelchair, and on the all-round support to move around. I lost interest in going out. I began to dislike myself, as I felt that I was a burden to the family. I felt I was repulsive, and became short-tempered. One day, I came across the website by Bodhi Meditation on the internet. I read various testimonials and was inspired. Thus, I registered for the Qing Ming Festival Chanting and Light Offering event at Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center that was held around March 28th this year.

On the first day of the chanting class, I arrived at the center in my wheelchair. I was blessed with the warm assistance by the volunteers, who helped me in and out of the wheelchair. They also accompanied me in all activities throughout the week. It was a warm feeling. My fellow brothers and sisters constantly encouraged me to persevere and not give up, selflessly shared their experiences and testimonials, allowing me to build my courage and confidence. These volunteers also urged me to attempt to stop using the wheelchair; supporting me in my bids to take slow steps, one at a time.

After the Qing Ming Festival worship activities, I would proceed daily to the Bodhi Meditation Center between 9.30am to 12.30pm in the afternoon for the Meditation of Greater Illumination as well as for chanting. By the second week, I felt my legs were stronger than before, and I could walk slowly to the meditation centre with the support of my wheelchair! What was more miraculous was, by the third week, I could finally and completely leave the wheelchair days behind! Since then, I have walked to the meditation centre by myself, and with steady strides!

I’m finally able to move about by myself! In a short span of 3 weeks, I regained the ability to walk, and can finally leave the days with the wheelchair of 5 years behind. I was elated! It was beyond my wildest dreams that me, Long Biyun could have my legs recovered! I’m also thankful for the utmost care and concern of my family over the past 5 years! Special thanks to all volunteers at the Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center for the familial care and encouragements! Most grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!

May those who are afflicted with illness and pain find solace in Bodhi Meditation and swiftly regain health and happiness.

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate to stop or reduce any meditation, please consult your doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #SwiftOfFoot
#見證禪修 #八卦 #健步如飛 #健康長壽rnrn健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye
2012年5月,我突然間無法行走,經醫生檢查後被診斷出有2節腰椎軟骨壞死,壓迫了坐骨神經線,導致我的雙腿無力,不能站立,更沒法步行,需要以輪椅代步! 有時腰痛起來就連打針也不能緩解疼痛,上下床都沒辦法。
清明祭祖活動後,我每天早上9:30 到中午12:30 ,到禪堂修練「無量大光明修持法」和念佛。到了第2個星期,我感覺雙腿比以前有力了,我可以自己扶著輪椅慢慢走到禪堂了!
短短3週,我恢復了行走能力,擺脫了5年的輪椅生活,真的非常開心!我做夢也想不到,我龍碧雲的雙腿,竟然可以康復! 感謝這5年來家人的照顧及關心!感謝交來禪堂所有的義工們像家人一樣的關懷和鼓勵!感恩金菩提宗師!
Regained health & bided farewell to my wheelchair of 5 years

For most of us who can walk normally, it is impossible to understand those who spend their days on the wheelchair. For 5 years, she could only rely on the wheelchair for mobility. Luckily there was a miracle, and within a short span of 3 weeks, she overcame her immobility and no longer relied upon the wheelchair. What is this amazing and true story about? Let us hear her story..
Testimonial from Malaysia

In May 2012, I suddenly could not walk. The doctor’s examination revealed that I was stricken with lumbar cartilage necrosis in 2 vertebrae, and compression of the sciatic nerves. This resulted in weakness in both legs. I could not stand, much less walk, and had to rely on the wheelchair to move about! At times when the backache acted up, even injections were useless in relieving the pain, and I could not shift from my bed.

Over the next two years, western medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and orthopedics; I tried them all, but none was of use to my condition. Surgery was recommended by western doctors, but the risk was high, with disability or death as high as 50%. Having discussed with my family, I decided not to undergo surgery. Despite exhausting my lifetime savings, cure was not in sight, and my confidence eroded. Since 2014, I’d abandoned all treatments.

I used to be active, but due to the illness I had to rely on the wheelchair, and on the all-round support to move around. I lost interest in going out. I began to dislike myself, as I felt that I was a burden to the family. I felt I was repulsive, and became short-tempered. One day, I came across the website by Bodhi Meditation on the internet. I read various testimonials and was inspired. Thus, I registered for the Qing Ming Festival Chanting and Light Offering event at Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center that was held around March 28th this year.

On the first day of the chanting class, I arrived at the center in my wheelchair. I was blessed with the warm assistance by the volunteers, who helped me in and out of the wheelchair. They also accompanied me in all activities throughout the week. It was a warm feeling. My fellow brothers and sisters constantly encouraged me to persevere and not give up, selflessly shared their experiences and testimonials, allowing me to build my courage and confidence. These volunteers also urged me to attempt to stop using the wheelchair; supporting me in my bids to take slow steps, one at a time.

After the Qing Ming Festival worship activities, I would proceed daily to the Bodhi Meditation Center between 9.30am to 12.30pm in the afternoon for the Meditation of Greater Illumination as well as for chanting. By the second week, I felt my legs were stronger than before, and I could walk slowly to the meditation centre with the support of my wheelchair! What was more miraculous was, by the third week, I could finally and completely leave the wheelchair days behind! Since then, I have walked to the meditation centre by myself, and with steady strides!

I’m finally able to move about by myself! In a short span of 3 weeks, I regained the ability to walk, and can finally leave the days with the wheelchair of 5 years behind. I was elated! It was beyond my wildest dreams that me, Long Biyun could have my legs recovered! I’m also thankful for the utmost care and concern of my family over the past 5 years! Special thanks to all volunteers at the Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center for the familial care and encouragements! Most grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!

May those who are afflicted with illness and pain find solace in Bodhi Meditation and swiftly regain health and happiness.

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate to stop or reduce any meditation, please consult your doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #SwiftOfFoot
#見證禪修 #八卦 #健步如飛 #健康長壽


馬來西亞 3000人一起走八卦 Ener…

馬來西亞 3000人一起走八卦
Energy Bagua Walking Day
6月18日,菩提禪修在馬來西亞 沙登MAEPS,舉辦第七屆千人八卦日活動,預計將有3000人共同参與,場面壯觀震撼。

馬來西亞「千人八卦日」全球直播時間 連結:

#八卦內功 #千人八卦 #健康長壽 #幸福快樂 #父親節 #禮物


「健康很好說,我的健康建議…」??? ….



2. 我們要想健康、窈窕減肥、除了注意飲食,還有可以來修練「八卦內功」。

My recommendations for good health… ? ? ?

1. Reduce intake of sugar. Let us do our best to live by this principle.
“Outside of mealtimes, stay away from sweets or any food or drinks that contain sugar.”
Hunger actually stimulates our brains which is why we should never engorge ourselves. When it comes to maintaining good health, the ancients were very wise and believed that one who is keen on self-cultivation should refrain from eating after noon time to maintain a healthy and clear mind.

2. Besides watching our diets, we can also practice Energy Bagua to maintain good health and to reduce our weight.
Energy Bagua can rapidly break down the sugars in our body. This method of practice is not linked to any religion, is stress-free and delivers obvious results with only an hour per day. Many people have, over the course of a hundred hours of practice, attained good health, regained their waistlines and even achieved longevity.

Hence, other than reducing our intake of sugar, we should also increase the amount of exercise and training to balance the excess sugars in our body and regain good health and beauty.

As a Chinese idiom goes, “Diseases enter from the mouth”.
We are what we eat. So how and what should we eat?
Let us begin with small changes starting from today.
If you like this article, please share it so that more people can benefit and enjoy good health and longevity.

WHO articles for reference:

Picture source: from the internet網路好圖

#WHOWorldHealthOrganisation, #MasterJinBodhi, #GoodHealthAndLongevity, #WeightLossAndGraceful, #ReduceSugarIntake, #EnergyBagua



2. 我們要想健康、窈窕減肥、除了注意飲食,還有可以來修練「八卦內功」。

My recommendations for good health… ? ? ?

1. Reduce intake of sugar. Let us do our best to live by this principle.
“Outside of mealtimes, stay away from sweets or any food or drinks that contain sugar.”
Hunger actually stimulates our brains which is why we should never engorge ourselves. When it comes to maintaining good health, the ancients were very wise and believed that one who is keen on self-cultivation should refrain from eating after noon time to maintain a healthy and clear mind.

2. Besides watching our diets, we can also practice Energy Bagua to maintain good health and to reduce our weight.
Energy Bagua can rapidly break down the sugars in our body. This method of practice is not linked to any religion, is stress-free and delivers obvious results with only an hour per day. Many people have, over the course of a hundred hours of practice, attained good health, regained their waistlines and even achieved longevity.

Hence, other than reducing our intake of sugar, we should also increase the amount of exercise and training to balance the excess sugars in our body and regain good health and beauty.

As a Chinese idiom goes, “Diseases enter from the mouth”.
We are what we eat. So how and what should we eat?
Let us begin with small changes starting from today.
If you like this article, please share it so that more people can benefit and enjoy good health and longevity.

WHO articles for reference:

Picture source: from the internet網路好圖

#WHOWorldHealthOrganisation, #MasterJinBodhi, #GoodHealthAndLongevity, #WeightLossAndGraceful, #ReduceSugarIntake, #EnergyBagua



緩慢逼近的健康災難 . 「WHO世衛組織…



A health catastrophe that is slowly creeping into our lives

WHO (The World Health Organization) published the followings on March 4, 2015:
Adults and children should reduce their daily free sugar intake to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) will bring even more health benefits.

According to statistical reports, diabetes cause more than 1.5 million deaths every year. High blood sugar level is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which cause another 2.2 million deaths per year. This means that the total number of deaths in a year that is related to high blood sugar level is 3.7 million. Among these, 43% of the deaths occur before the age of 70.

In the year 2014, 39% of the adult population worldwide (above 18 years of age) are obese. From 1980 to 2014, the worldwide prevalence of obesity doubled, with the rate for men at 11% and the rate for women at 15%. More than 500 million adults were classified in the obese category. (For specifics of the statistics above, please refer to WHO homepage)

WHO articles for reference:

#WHOWorldHealthOrganisation, #MasterJinBodhi, #GoodHealthAndLongevity, #WeightLossAndGraceful, #ReduceSugarIntake, #EnergyBaguarnrn緩慢逼近的健康災難


A health catastrophe that is slowly creeping into our lives

WHO (The World Health Organization) published the followings on March 4, 2015:
Adults and children should reduce their daily free sugar intake to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) will bring even more health benefits.

According to statistical reports, diabetes cause more than 1.5 million deaths every year. High blood sugar level is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which cause another 2.2 million deaths per year. This means that the total number of deaths in a year that is related to high blood sugar level is 3.7 million. Among these, 43% of the deaths occur before the age of 70.

In the year 2014, 39% of the adult population worldwide (above 18 years of age) are obese. From 1980 to 2014, the worldwide prevalence of obesity doubled, with the rate for men at 11% and the rate for women at 15%. More than 500 million adults were classified in the obese category. (For specifics of the statistics above, please refer to WHO homepage)

WHO articles for reference:

#WHOWorldHealthOrganisation, #MasterJinBodhi, #GoodHealthAndLongevity, #WeightLossAndGraceful, #ReduceSugarIntake, #EnergyBagua
