藝術也能人工智慧? . 在人工智慧突飛猛…




恭喜318第三届慈善晚宴圓滿落幕 感謝所…

Congratulations to the success of the 318 3rd Charity Dinner.
Thank you to all of you who participated in the charity event!
Your kind heart have brighten this world..


把握這個關鍵,讓你在職場春風得意! . …



腦內開發,你沒聽說過的秘法? . . 科…

2006年7月,美國科學家Dr. Richard Davidson、Dr. Antoine Lutz與Dr. Al Shapere作了一個試驗。由兩組試驗組進行實驗,一組由8位具有15到40年「禪修」經驗的喇嘛進行試驗;另一組人員是由10位「學生」所組成,此學生們之前沒有任何禪修的經驗,只有在試驗前一週接受短暫的冥想訓練。


The Secret Methodology of Brain Development
Scientific research has shown that the human brain possesses extremely high intelligence, of which most people only utilize 10%. The remaining 90% has been left undeveloped. In other words, every one of us is a genius with unique talents and possesses the ability to unleash greater energy.
In July 2006, American scientists Dr. Richard Davidson, Dr. Antoine Lutz and Dr. Al Shapere conducted an experiment with two groups of people. One group comprised of 8 Tibetan high priests (known as Lamas) with 15 to 40 years of meditation experience. The second group comprised of 10 students who have not had any experience with meditation, but who had been trained on the basics of contemplation one week before the experiment.
Results of the experiment:
The experiment’s objective was to find out the difference in the strength of the brain gamma waves between the “lama group” and the control “student group”. Results showed that the lama group, on average, had gamma waves frequencies that were 8 times stronger than that of the control student group! The lama who had meditated for the longest period of time had the best performance – his gamma waves frequency were 13 times stronger than that of the control student group!
The results affirmed that the effects of meditation extend beyond the relaxation of the mind. In fact, meditation is known to have direct impact on the activity of our neural brain waves. Continuous meditation helps in the integration of the mind and body, and helps to accumulate positive energy. When the body is free of blockages, the mind and the brain are unblocked as well. This will naturally give rise to a more comprehensive faculty of understanding, and a more complete wisdom.
#WisdomGainThroughMeditation, #DevelopmentOfTheBrain, #Meditation, #CompleteWisdom, #PositiveEnergy #修出來的智慧、#腦內開發、#禪修、#宏觀的智慧、#正能量


走出黑暗幽谷,重見美麗藍天~ . 人生的…

Walk out of the dark secluded valley and regain sight of the beautiful blue sky ~
The path of life is often filled with endless exploration and learning. Like a hare running in the jungle, we often stumble and fall. When you accidentally fall into a deep valley, you might feel that you have lost friends, and all hope in life. You will find it hard to face life. At times like that, how do you regain confidence to leap over the obstacles and run towards the vast grassland?
Let us listen to the sharing of Jiqun Yang from Malaysia – a story of how he found a ray of light in the scary, secluded valley and walked out of darkness to regain sight of the vast blue sky.
Perhaps, with a little bit of courage, you will be able to transform your life.
I look forward to hear you share about your transformation on how you regain your health.
(Note: meditation results vary for each individual.)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate stopping or reducing dosage of medication on your own. Please follow advice from the doctor.
#Depression, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #MeditationJournal, #WalkingTowardsTheBrightness


雲岡石窟 . 雲岡石窟,位於中國山西省大…



雲朵麵包 . 雞蛋一枚,蛋清和蛋黃分開,…



給幸福留個位置吧!! . 有人說:「 因…

因為生活的瑣碎和忙碌, 漸漸沒了它的位置,也忘了它的重要!
Save a place for happiness!!
Some people said:”
There’s no time to feel tired due to the hectic schedule?!
There’s no time to fall sick due to the busy lifestyle?!”
As you accomplish your goals and dreams one after another, “Health” is also quietly slipping away. Due to the hectic lifestyle handling the trivial things in life, health has gradually been neglected and has lost its importance.
My dear friends, please don’t forget…
Life is wonderful, yet busy!
The troubles you may encounter, in the days of pursuing a living may be endless!
Please slow down your pace and save a place for happiness!
From the Video:
What is happiness?
This man’s smile is filled with happiness.
He is Wen Jin Chuan and he is an excavator driver. He is the sole support of his family with his monthly salary of $3000. His biggest worry as he grew older was the state of his health.
At that time, I had difficulties squatting, and I also had trouble climbing steps. I even fell down a couple of times. I was only fifty years old then and I feared how it would be when I am sixty? Would I become totally immobile and confined to the bed?
For the past five years, Chuan has tried all possible ways for his legs to get better, but the situation only got worse. He knew very well that if this continued, eventually, he would lose his job and his family would lose their only source of income. That was when he came across Energy Bagua.
About six months ago, my brother-in-law invited me to the meditation center. He drove me to the Cheras Meditation Center to take a look. That was the first time I came across Energy Bagua. I remember that was a Sunday morning. I sat on the swing and watched the people walking around a tree. They would change their hands every eight rounds. I wondered what benefit that would bring. Three days later, I asked one of the lady who was there: Will this help me? Walking round and round the tree? To which the lady replied “Yes of course. Do you want to try?”
Ning Hang:
The very next day he started the Energy Bagua practice with us. His legs hurt a lot in the beginning. I told him that he has to persevere so as to reap the benefits. About a month after he started practicing with us, he told me that he has not taken his usual injection that help to control the pain in his legs. Normally he had to take the injection every month. I encouraged him to continue with the practice. It has been five months since then and he has not had to take a single injection. Last month he shared with me that he was able to carry a pail of water in each hand and climb the stairs from the first to the fifth floor. His legs did not hurt at all.
About three months after I started practicing, I went for my regular health check up. When I stepped onto the weighing machine, I could not believe my eyes. My weight has gone from 105kg down to 91kg! I was so happy. Not only have I benefited from a full recovery of my legs, I have also benefited by losing so much weight!
Grateful for the benefits that he has reaped within such a short period of time, Chuan decided to give back to the Bagua community.
Ning Hang:
Due to the rain these past few days, the ground at where we practice has become very muddy. Chuan woke up really early in the morning and brought sand over to lay the ground for us. All our Bagua mates were really grateful to Chuan as without him, it would have been difficult to practice Bagua.
Once, his sister came to visit with her family.
I feel so happy and lucky. My change has brought about happiness in my family. We chat and laugh together a lot now. Previously I could not move and could only lie in bed. Not only was my income reduced, my family had to help me with the simplest of things. My temper was bad then and we quarreled a lot. Now, I am able to help them with chores whenever they are not free.
Chuan also recounted the time that his daughter paid him a surprise visit. She even brought a small gift for him. It was a pair of reading glasses which was exactly what he needed. With his new pair of glasses, Chuan can now read all the words in the newspapers clearly.

What is happiness? To me, this is happiness.
#菩提禪修 #八卦內功 #禪修見證 #禪修 #挖掘機 #幸福快樂
#BodhiMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Meditation, #Excavator, #Joyful
