【最新直播】最美的禮物念佛班 第9天

【最新直播】最美的禮物念佛班 第9天
北美時間7月27日–8月7日,晚上 6:00~9:00
亞洲時間7月28日–8月8日,早上 9:00~12:00
☆ 共十二天,每天3小時。



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在〈【最新直播】最美的禮物念佛班 第9天〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 恭敬祈请尊贵金菩提宗师,慈悲护佑加持光芒,滋润天地人间,一片光明吉祥,弟子跪拜顶礼感恩您!??????

  2. Good morning Sifu and everyone. Thank you dear Sifu for hosting The Greatest Gift Chanting Class Day 9. Very grateful to Sifu for thy compassion, love and care. Wishing Sifu and everyone a joyous and blessed day.

  3. Master help Lim Yik Ping can find a buyer for her house in Maidstone Victoria Australia thank you Master n Guan Si Yin Puasa?

  4. 祈请佛菩萨与师父慈悲能量加持护佑 朱菀秋,身心识光明,精进修行!早证菩提!行善积德,业障消除,智慧增长,头脑灵活,思维敏捷清晰有条理,自信充满正能量,增强记忆力,理解力专注力,断除烦恼习气,解怨释结,遇难呈祥,慈悲仁爱,身体安康,福慧双修, 诸事顺利圆满,广结善缘,贵人相助,大展鸿图,事业有成,生意兴隆財运旺、早日找到美满姻缘,心想事成,财源广进,福星高照,佛光菩照…感恩师父慈悲能量加持护佑…吉祥如意

  5. Bless Jassi Jassi Aujla free from cancer cell disappear and May Grandmaster JinBodhi give his family and him strength at this critical time

  6. Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa
    Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa

  7. Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa bless convid 19 will disappear away as soon as possible and the whole world will be in peace and everything goes well and smoothly for everyone in this world ??????????

  8. 刚刚听到朋友告诉,她的女儿昨天自杀,现在在医院,人比较清醒,完全不知道自己到底怎么回事,因为她有抑郁症,昨天朋友看到不对劲,想要陪她一起,却让她跑了,开车出去,赶紧叫我帮她女儿点灯,在家等,因为有顾小孩,好彩吞药后又吐出来,私人医院不收,这时候遇到朋友,赶紧送到政府医院,她的朋友办完手续晚上联络她妈妈,祈请佛菩萨加持护佑,师父加持护佑她的女儿平安,早日康复,她女儿叫林韻妍,感恩师父慈悲加持护佑

  9. may my family and I be well happy healthy and happy always.
    may we be free from suffering and pain, fear and anxiety, anger and resentment, hatred and jealousy, sadness and depression, greed, attachment and illusions.???

  10. Na Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa…. praying for all well and healthy. Free from all virus. Thanks Grandmaster JinBodhi

  11. 南無觀世音菩薩大慈大悲!保佑眾生早日脫離疫情病毒,感恩頂禮觀世音菩薩慈悲濟世渡衆生!
