【最新直播】最美的禮物念佛班 第8天

【最新直播】最美的禮物念佛班 第8天
北美時間7月27日–8月7日,晚上 6:00~9:00
亞洲時間7月28日–8月8日,早上 9:00~12:00
☆ 共十二天,每天3小時。



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在〈【最新直播】最美的禮物念佛班 第8天〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 师父师母好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!

  2. Gd morning Shifu, bless my both hands and fingers free from cold and pain,both legs full of enetgy. Bless my 2 grandsons free from sickness and in good health. My youngest sister speedy recovery from lump cancer and good blood cells, ganen ???

  3. Good morning Sifu and everyone. Thank you dear Sifu for hosting The Greatest Gift Chanting Class Day 8. Very grateful to Sifu for thy compassion, love and care. Wishing Sifu and everyone a joyous and blessed day.

  4. 师父早上好! 吉祥如意! 愿身上的疾病 脚膝盖疼痛和关节炎早日康复。我也希望丈夫早日找到工作。感恩大慈大悲观世音菩萨。感恩师父。?????

  5. I want to have a positive mindset, clear mind, no anxiety, giving me the good energies to teach my kids.

  6. I wish my hubby to have a good sleep every night And May his hard work brings him the business opportunities to boost up his sales this year

  7. 恭敬感恩师父慈悲指引点化让我们都多行善积德!时时观照捡点自己的行为!???????????

  8. 祈请佛菩萨与师父慈悲能量加持护佑 朱菀秋,身心识光明,精进修行!早证菩提!行善积德,业障消除,智慧增长,头脑灵活,思维敏捷清晰有条理,自信充满正能量,增强记忆力,理解力专注力,断除烦恼习气,解怨释结,遇难呈祥,慈悲仁爱,身体安康,福慧双修, 诸事顺利圆满,广结善缘,贵人相助,大展鸿图,事业有成,生意兴隆財运旺、早日找到美满姻缘,心想事成,财源广进,福星高照,佛光菩照…感恩师父慈悲能量加持护佑…吉祥如意

  9. May Budhha n grandmaster bless my grand daughter Dionne Ho with strong immunity n raise up her platelets. Keep her safe n protect her from covid .Gan dn???❤️

  10. May Budhha n grand master bless all my children and grandchildren with good health wisdom auspicious happiness n compassionate . Protect them n keep them Safe from covid Gan en ???❤️

  11. 祈请南無大慈大悲观世音菩萨慈悲佛光普照 許美珍身心识光明 ,业障减轻,病业消除,福慧增长,头脑灵活开窍、聪明有智慧、思维敏捷清晰有条理、理解力专注力、记忆力超强,口齿伶俐、信心十足滿滿正能量、智慧通达,前途光明、事业顺利、工作顺利,所求满愿,心想事成、身体自在安康、诸事顺利圆满、吉祥如意。身体所有病痛消失消散。不受疫情感染,身体早日康复,能顺利打完第二支疫苗针…遇难呈祥。感恩师父慈悲能量加持护佑,吉祥如意。

  12. Guan Si Yin Pusa n Master bless me so that my both knees n ankle be cured of pain.Kan en Sifu?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️???

  13. I wish my children Manfred and mason to be happy healthy , and grow up to be independent , resislient , confident , compassionate and filial children. Most important is Healthy
