
[直播時間] 溫哥華2021年5月12日,晚上6:00開始,
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1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2021年05月12日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2021年05月13日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2021年05月12日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2021年05月13日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2021年05月13日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2021年05月13日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2021年05月13日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2021年05月13日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2021年05月13日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2021年05月13日 上午11:00開始


在〈【直播預告】祈福共修(之38)〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 师父好!法体安康!弘法顺畅!法喜充满!幸福快乐!吉祥如意!收到!感恩师父慈悲!

  2. 師父師母早安吉祥!感恩師父慈悲開示丶提醒!!感恩師父慈悲引領祈福念佛丶加持,法喜充滿!!收到!頂禮叩拜感恩師父???

  3. 师父好!吉祥如意!收到!感恩师父慈悲引领我们祈福念佛!为我们加持!太受益了!身心通畅了!业障消除了!顶礼叩拜师父???

  4. 師父您好!吉祥如意!太好了!歡喜期待師父慈悲的開示!至誠頂禮叩拜感恩師父!??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️???

  5. 感恩师父,佛菩萨,慈悲之心关怀众生,大家共修祈福,祈求佛菩萨开恩,愿谅人类,受生命危难之灾。

  6. ımam mahdi ******* very important this is your only salvation .. don’t ignore the facts .follow the cats get precise information about the existence of god.undeniable evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0HrgNxpqRk&feature=youtu.be 跟著貓找出神的存在..不可否認的證據..導致永恆的幸福 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOkYTQ0vQig&feature=youtu.be 猫から真実を学ぶ…永遠の苦痛からあなたを救うでしょう https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZCg9XczY7A&feature=youtu.be बिल्लियों का पालन करें….तथ्यों को जानें https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v13gXQL-nA0&feature=youtu.be बिल्लियों का पालन करें….तथ्यों को जानें https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v13gXQL-nA0&feature=youtu.be बिरालोबाट सत्य सिक्नुहोस् https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-njpIJHLOSk&t=72s sundin ang mga pusa malaman ang katotohanan..para maabot mo ang walang hanggang kaligayahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL8sdtDEp3c&feature=youtu.be មើលសត្វឆ្មា..រៀនការពិត..រៀនសុភមង្គលអស់កល្បជានិច្ច https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voDuwLwrRQQ&feature=youtu.be 고양이를 봐..사실을 배우다..영원한 행복의 길은 무엇입니까..당신의 마음을 사용하고 배우십시오 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVmDlVnLr64&t=75s Theo dõi những con mèo…học hạnh phúc vĩnh cửu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg2JDJfdldY ကြောင်များထံမှအမှန်တရားကိုသင်ယူပါ…..ထာဝရပျော်ရွှင်မှုအတွက်လမ်း https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLHttxvZEiY&feature=youtu.be බළලුන්ගෙන් සත්‍යය ඉගෙන ගන්න..සදාකාලික සතුට ඉගෙන ගන්න https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mEcrsOmshQ&feature=youtu.be You say they took us to hell in the presence of God . why don’t you use your mind ? …All beauties are waiting for you, you will be very happy … nothing will be the same as my words may sound like a joke to you ….i’m god’s revenge sword..They will learn this too ..THE Wrath of God has come .. you need a mind to understand …Damn those who slander God and deny their words … Except for those who believe in the words of God and obey her commands …There are many who want to go to hell. I only report the facts .. fame, money won’t save you . obedience to god only saves .. You are waiting for God’s punishment, you will love it very much.. the punishment is too close ..I guess nobody wants to get rid of…I am doing my duty . The knowledge given by the devil is .Nostradamus’s prophecy is frightening 3rd World War and Turkey. watch with subtitles It also describes the expected savior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5cw0jaLtfI .. If religious scholars had knowledge, he would not remain without faith.. imam mahdı … the cats get precise information about the existence of god.undeniable evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0HrgNxpqRk&feature=youtu.be… I warned the devil side before people…they obeyed what I said..they do whatever I say..they fear god…Can you think about what to do?..the enemy of god is my enemy..give up slandering god..don’t say she didn’t say. scholars of religion you are waiting for god’s torment, don’t worry too close …you will learn the cost of slander god MATTA 24-27 “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You look like whitewashed graves that look beautiful on the outside, but are filled with dead bones and all kinds of filth. 28 You appear outwardly towards people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and malice..Let those who do not obey what I say burn in hell forever.. I am your order . obedience to me is obedience to god ..You are an enemy of God, as long as you don’t do what the god says.. Angel writes what she does .. the end of many is very close..you ignore the facts… are you ready for the torture of god… scholars you are going to hell..you are taking people to hell..ask god forgiveness..tell people the truth..otherwise wait for god’s punishment..I am the light of god..I show you the way of salvation..I was written in the scriptures..She brought out a powerful savior for us from David’s line (Luke, 1: 69-71)save your loved ones and yourself..god will take revenge… I am the savior written in the scriptures….
    God’s punishment has come, you don’t even realize, the world has cheated on you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_smQUFCKUX8&t=28s

  7. 顶礼恩师!收到了通知,明天愿在一次深度的得恩师慈悲加持!祝福恩师一切如意吉祥!???

  8. 感恩师父!师父辛苦了!感恩师父不辞辛苦给予众生的加持护佑!祈求佛菩萨愿谅人类消除业障,止恶不做化解危难之灾!世界和平,人人平安,健康幸福!光明自在!顶礼感恩大慈大悲师父!!!

  9. 感恩師父?在這疫情期間帶領弟子們念佛共修,讓弟子們都能安住身心,加上師父慈悲的為弟子們加持,受益良多。

  10. 师父您辛苦了!为了我们能早日解脱,不辞辛劳,苦口婆心,把心都掏给了众生,为众生加持调理,开解内心的结,使我们在无名时执着的小事和烦恼,您一字一句的肺俯之言,如甘露融化我污浊的身心,让我得到化解,得到提升,我要更加提升对恩师的恭敬真诚,踏实认真学习和修法,让自己的坏毛病不重犯,真正的成为能够去帮助别人解除烦恼,病痛,能像觉真、悟礼两位师姐一样,该多好啊!感恩大慈大悲的恩师,我们爱您?????????❤️❤️❤️

  11. 收到!感恩师父慈悲提醒和关爱!准时参加!感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑一切众生离苦得乐!自在吉祥!弟子恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师???

  12. 感恩师父!您时刻挂念着众生,用各种方法!只希望众生都能早觉悟早离苦!您太慈悲太辛苦了!感恩顶礼叩拜师父❤???

  13. 感恩师父的慈悲护佑!我们不辜负师父的期望,如法修行,跟随师父将佛陀的慈悲大爱与整个世界共享!世界更美好!顶礼恩师!

  14. 师父好!收到!明天一定准时收看精′彩直播,师父带领我们一起念佛,接受师父的慈悲加持,感恩师父!期待着!

  15. 师父好?

    感恩师父带领我们念佛并给我们大能量加持! Stephanie 是第一次参加菩提禅修的共修,就有很好的效果,祈请师父给予指导加持,帮她消除疼痛恢复健康!感恩师父!???


    I attended last Sunday’s chanting for the first time, I really enjoyed it. On Tuesday morning, I woke up feeling energized? Happy? Spring in my step? Not sure how to describe it. Anything to do with the other night?

    I had back injury from a car accident 20 years ago and have been in pain ever since. Sitting causes pain, so I can only work standing up. Sometimes my back would go into spasms, but I haven’t had it for a long time, then Tuesday afternoon it started. Not sure whether it’s related.

    A friend suggested me to try Energy Bagua, hope it can help me.

    Thank you.


    朋友建议我修练八卦内功, 希望会有帮助。

  16. Good morning Sifu. Looking forward to Chanting Group Practice Part 38 on May 13 at 9am Malaysian time. Thank you Sifu for thy blessings, compassion, love and care. All good wishes to Sifu. Take care and stay safe Sifu.

  17. 收到!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!期待聆听师父教化!护佑网路正常!准时参加!幸福期待中…、感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  18. 感恩师父慈悲关爱!特别喜欢师父带领我们一共共修!弟子准时参加,顶礼叩拜!???

  19. 师父好,祈请师父加持典奎脑细恢复健康光明颈椎间盘突出消除,颈肩手脚活动自己,身心健康光明长寿! 暄盛子宫肌瘤消除健康光明吉祥! 唐妹腰部盆骨疾病疼痛消除健康长寿! 悦珍胃炎消除腿风湿消除健康光明吉祥。宝贤咳嗽消除肺支气管健康光明,吉祥如意! 伟麟有工作有收入又能接送孩子上放学。祈请师父将我额头那块缺陷修补好。感恩师父!????????????
